Changelog format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Partial skin support (Switched to vaxei skin)
- Close confirmation window when loading beatmaps #16
- Being able to affect auto using keyboard buttons #15
- Reduced approach circle size
- Settings tray closes when opening beatmap selector #18
- Refactored rendering in standardGameplay.js and moved to hitObjectRenderer.js
- Checks and auto-updates whenever the database changes or star rating
- Break Periods (no HP drain) now occur based on the map break periods
- Star rating is now no longer limited to 330bpm streams (matching osu!'s 2021-11-09 changes)
- Star rating extreme scaling factor has been changed, Maps with more of 1 skill decreases in star rating (Matching changes specified here)
- README to better reflect the state of star rating
- Reduced the size of combo numbers slightly
- Refactored animatedEventsManager.js
- Refactored introSequence.js
- Moved cacheManager.js into beatmapFetcher.js
- Dependency on require.js
- Score update rate not working for "Every frame" option
- An error with beatmap uploading
- All scripts now use javascript standardised modules
- Notifications side nav (Useful for debugging errors)
- Mobile devices have audio visualiser effects disabled for performance and compatibility
- Increased width of options side nav from 25% to 27.5%
- Beatmap uploading even more
- Performance when saving settings by preventing some buttons from saving settings twice
- When exiting with settings open: settings GUI now closes as well #9
- Pressing the back button while the mods menu is open will close the mods menu and does not go back to main menu #9
- Prevented the ability to move the mouse whenever an using the Auto mod or watching a replay
- Cursor is now no longer locked when using Auto mod or watching a replay
- Volume warning on splash screen
- Capability to view replays
- Notelock (unfortunately)
- Mod Incompatibilities (such as being able to choose both easy and hard rock at the same time)
- Screen so user can tell if a beatmap is currently loading
- Beatmap uploading speed
- Star rating tests (no longer relevant thanks to ojsama)
- An issue where the approach circle size would continue to lower in size
- Typos in README.MD
- Pressing deselect all mods wouldn't update the score multiplier text
- Auto experiencing notelock
- Sliders having different velocities for diffferent segments depending on the segments of the slider
- options.js to have a more consistent API
- introsequence.js to be more modular
- Added animatedEventsManager.js
- Removed quickParseMap from parser.js
- Optimised ModsUI.js API
- Moved, setDifficultyBars and setStatisticValues to utils.js
- Slightly cleaned program main line
- Removed reliance of utils.js by formulas.js
- Sudden death now automatically retries the map when you break combo
- Perfect now automatically retries the map whenever accuracy drops below 100%
- Spinner bonus spins now tell you how many bonus points were gained
- Judgement animations to be more smooth and match osu!
- Better miss animation (random position and rotation)
- Average hit error is now based on a weighted recent average (more recent hits will influence it more)
- Average hit error is also animated
- Circle sliders being in the incorrect position
- Spinners not working in both directions
- Used Math.min and Math.max instead of if statements
- Created an emperical formula to map slider resolution to pixel resolution
- A message to users when running offline to use a web browser
- Shuffle button in the menu so users can pick songs
- Mouse feedback for clickable icons
- When searching for maps and choosing random maps, the random algorithm only considers visible maps
- Improved the searching algorithm by ignoring punctuation
- A database issue using wrong keys
- When pressing tab, the mod menu would glitch, and the only way to fix would be a reload
- Background path errors (difference in the way web server and github handle files)
- Star rating is now correct as of 16-06-2021. it is an osw! compatible rewrite of [ojsama]
- Circle size now uses the correct formula rather than an empirical formula
- Misses to now have their own animation
- Cleaner codebase for developer sakes
- Left side of beatmap selection (map details)
- Ability to search through your beatmaps (uses exact equality search)
- Developer mode
- Deleting beatmaps (albeit all beatmaps)
- Background dimming
- Background support
- NOT FULLY SUPPORTED If there is no background, added text saying "Deleting backgrounds makes osu! ANGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Please use the "Background Dim" setting instead." (keep a legacy going because of this snowflake)
- Star rating slightly (will probably work on in v0.9.0b)
- Combined Gameplay and GameplayRendering options to just Gameplay
- Some function names to make more sense (for my sake)
- Consistent captialisation
- Beatmap parser to include storyboards
- Beatmap loading by adding a cache after first load (when loading 329 beatmaps it went from 229ms to 45ms)
- Tested with over 500 beatmaps now, works like a charm
- Memory usage by only loading maps as necessary (reduced memory usage when loading 500 beatmaps from 100mb --> 20mb)
- Circles.mp3 and Aureole.mp3
- Ability to choose certain menu sequence intros
- Hardrock now flips the playfield like in osu!
- Correctly centerised text in select boxes
- Spun out mod not spinning automatically
- Beatmap uploading not being deterministic and causing unreachable files to be generated (due to the nature of async)
- Logo centering issue
- Tablet support (must be enabled via settings)
- Ability to skip the beginning of the map by pressing the space bar
- Reduced total event listeners using event delegation (when loading 329 beatmaps, went down from 502 -> 144)
- Multiple beatmap uploads at the same time (tried with 300 at once, works like a charm)
- Beatmap loading (further inspection showed that beatmaps would often try to load twice)
- Beatmap loading again by concatenating all beatmaps in a string and adding it to the DOM in one go (reduced the lag in the intro sequence)
- More beatmap loading by allowing you to choose maps while a beatmap is pending to load
- Separated beatmap loading from audio loading to optimise performance
- Removed excess stars (optimised DOM tree ALOT)
- Optimised DOM tree (when loading 329 beatmaps, went down from 7055 -> 4111)
- Issue with Sound Chimera and file type endings (by converting to lower case before checking)
- Issue with the main logo not shrinking when being clicked on or on reset
- When songs restart, the beats of the logo being off-beat
- Issue when maps ending on sliders not ending at the correct time
- markdown errors
- Slider tick algorithm (matching osu!)
- Moved hit events to process on same frame (instead of 1 frame delay)
- Moved timingPoint processing to happen before hitObject addition and processing
- Score to more closely match osu!
- Skip intro sequence if circles theme is selected
- Songs not playing when map is selected
- Songs not looping when ended
- Issue where sliders when slider resolution is not "Full" not ending properly
- Checkboxes having the wrong sound effect
- Menu logo not being in the correct position
- Maps ending with long sliders not ending at the correct time
- most options now work such as max framerate and mouse sensitivity
- Started adding replay support
- Playdetails to only include essential details. all others are derived
- Beatmap saving to now save the parsed map instead of raw map data to increase performance
- Improved database upgrade algorithm
- Cinema mod (will not support)
- Excess options
- Show the correct grade when using hidden or flashlight mods
- Detection if browser lacks LocalStorage (no error handling yet)
- Bar to tell how far you are in a map
- Nightcore support
- Options API to be more friendly
- Gameplay API to use less memory
- Improved Auto accuracy by making auto hit earlier
- Mouse trails to look nicer
- accumulator.js into utils.js, less file loads
- Loading loop in gameplay that costs unnecessary processing power
- Auto bug that causes misses
- Sliders with infinite radius causing errors (replaced with straight sliders) (caused by Flying Out to the Sky - ENDGAME)
- Hit errors showing the correct errors (it showed first 40, it should show last 40)
- Certain maps not ending due to audio ending before the song ends
- Audio playing back too fast in the main menu
- CSS codebase cleanup
- A z-index bug preventing beatmap uploading
- Bug report issue file
- Page loading by only loading sounds after page load
- Flashlight not having the correct sizes
- New Audio API to simplify audio
- menuHit.wav to menu-hit.wav
- Sound effects (still problematic as browser requests every time)
- attachAudio.js file and API
- Page loading in the HTML
- defaultSkin.js
- A huge bug preventing proper restarting of maps
- A bug preventing doubleTime and halfTime from working properly
- Flashlight not going off screen when flashlight mod is off
- Basic flashlight
- Mods
- Volume warning on splash screen
- HTML loading (500 lines of html typically took over 4 seconds, now at < 2 seconds)
- Text "many things can change at any moment"
- Mods UI
- Menu screen now pulses to the beat!
- Mod icons upscaled to twice the size (75 * 50 -> 150 * 100))
- Beatmap selection generator to only calculate star rating once
- New hexagon background
- Spiced audio visualiser effects
- Slight performance optimisations (main menu and slider generation)
- hitEvents.js, now merged with hitObjects.js
- Star rating to more closely match classical osu!
- Adjusted a few animations to feel more lazer-like
- Menu blurring (massively increased performance)
- Ability to upload and save osz files for later
- Ability to play and save maps locally on the user file system
- Star rating to now consider jumps and streams more impressive
- Old maps
- Old maps that were fetched via javascript fetch calls
- A small issue where spinners would not spin
- An issue when ending a beatmaps, the back button (and the bar it sits on) will disappear
- Results screen
- Rank icon images (custom-made)
- Unecessary module references
- Restarting, continuing and moving onto another beatmap
- Restarting beatmaps causing sliders to instantly end, fixed by creating clones instead of referencing objects
- Star rating now considers the angle between jumps
- Star rating now considers jumps less impressive (moving galaxy collapse [Galactic] from 13.05* to just under 10* )
- Combo Numbers
- Combo Colours
- Combo support for beatmap parser
- Custom osw background
- Warning text when running without web server
- Unnecessary Audio Files
- More official osu! files
- HP now only starts draining 2 seconds before the first note
- Smoother Auto (less jumpy)
- Auto now spins on spinners
- rebranded to osw! due to copyright and trademark issues
- New octagonal logo
- changed and removed most osu! copyrighted images
- New intro supports new logo
- When pressing play, a beatmap is randomly selected for you to play! presuming you have any
- Brightening filter whenever a beat is detected
- Added beat bars (near edges of screen that alternate every beat)
- Logo beats from flashing in the wrong spot sometimes
- Automatic beat detection via audio analyser (not perfect but good enough)
- Song API (now succeeded by automatic beat detection)
- Reliance on wave.js
- Mouse sensitivity slider to be more precise
- Slider resolution and mouse sensitivity sliders from not saving properly
Based off ppy/osu#7048
- snaking in sliders
- hit effects
- Follow circle size from 2.4x to 2.0x (still feels too large)
- Splash screen text to denote heavy developement
- Notelock styles
- Approach circle minimium size to match osu!
- Added more default maps
- Beatmaps are now loaded via fetch calls, instead of specialised javascript files
- Loading beatmaps using the require.js template
- beatmap template
- Slider heads and ends having the correct symbols
- Pause Menu UI functionality
- Continue, Retry and Quit functions for mapss
- Going in and out of maps causing multiple beatmap instances to run
- Pause Menu UI (currently inaccessible)
- Doubled triangle-background speed
- Gameplay
- Selecting beatmaps through the beatmap selection screen
- Renamed experimental.js to gameplay.js
- Moved gameplay.js to src/scripts
- Old gameplay files
- experimental.js
- experimental.html
- Dependency references in gameplay.js
- Audio in the main menu playing while playing a beatmap
- Centerised audio visualiser
- Fixed backup time (when audio fails to load) from referencing when page first loads
- Horizontal device support, ensures that devices are horizontal to be compatible
- Disabled mobile device scrolling
- Separated css into files based on their respective sections
- Stars in beatmap star rating have 100% opacity
- Moved event listeners from html into javascript
- Massively reduced image sizes to reduce image load times and project size
- Moved stylesheets other than style.css from root to src/stylesheet
- Moved inline css to external stylesheets
- Renamed utils.replaceAll to utils.removeInstances
- Increased osu!logo size from 50% of screen height to 70%
- Beatmap.js (beatmap testing file)
- Audio visualiser responsiveness
- Scalability of beatmap loading was improved (generated on the fly)
- Standardised changelog