An in-development osu! clone designed to run on web browers It is planned to emulate the osu! experience as closely as possible in the browser
NOTE this project is no longer under development and is likely abandoned for now. Any bugs that exist are unlikely to be fixed
- Local Beatmaps
- Star rating (no online API)
- Mods
- Custom skins (animated)
Custom Skins checklist [ ] Approach Circles [ ] Hit Objects [ ] Sliders [x] Hp Bar [ ] Spinner [ ] Key Overlay [x] Skin parser [ ] Skin saving [ ] Skin animation
- PP system (no online API)
- Keybinds
- Extensible rulsets
- Local scores
- Replays
- Loading times
- Main menu
- Increase speed of beatmap cache generation
- Star rating
- Rendering (caches and overlays)
- Size of replays
You can play it by clicking on the link here
Have a feature request or found a bug? submit an issue report here
osw! will gaurantee support for Chrome, Firefox and Edge. All other browsers are subject to their own risks. Internet explorer is not supported at any version. Safari is planned to be supported
Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately theres not much I can do about it in the short term. While processing takes minimal cpu power. Rendering is horrendously slow on low powered devices. Though chromebooks have been tested with 45fps.
As of current browser specfications and to my knowledge. It is currently impossible to provide hardware tablet support for customisable area. However, tablets are currently supported as of osw! 0.7.10b
osw! currently only supports star rating and it is based on star rating system from ojsama by Francesco149, it is the most accurate implementation, however it is an old implementation and I have done my best to apply the newer star rating changes from 2021-11-09
Some osu features are near impossible to emulate unless of course I were to deep dive into the lazer codebase, which I don't want to. Things such as HP and spinners work on custom algorithms that try to be as fair as possible
Though there is a button there for the beatmap editor. It is highly unlikely to be supported unless there is a feature request with high enough demand
Over the years, many beatmap creators have tried their best to break osu in their own way. As osw! is coded with different algorithms, some of these beatmaps will work differently compared to osu!. Maps such as Solice of Oblivion by Professional Box do not correctly display the distorted sliders