Automatically get gym booking slots for Fit4Less.
This bot is written in Python using Selenium.
To run the bot, open the command line in the cloned repo directory and install the requirements using pip with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, you need to fill out the config.yaml file.
password: mypassword
bookingDay: 3 # how many days in advance, put 3 if you are running it the night before via a cronjob
bookingTimes: # Times must be exact, in hh:MM AM/PM format or None for days you don't want to book
Monday: 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 PM
Wednesday: None
Thursday: 7:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 PM
Saturday: None
Sunday: None
useClubName: False # Set to True to change to this club
clubName: Waterloo Erb Street # Exact name of the club as on the club selection list
headless: True
To run the bot, run the following in the command line: