Releases: JoshuaMart/AutoRecon
v4.1 Nuclei update to v2
Update Nuclei to v2
Merge AutoRecon & AutoScan
Aggregation of my two scripts AutoRecon & AutoScan to simplify the chaining.
In addition to searching for subdomains, basic scans are performed on each of them.
Same thing, but just with Amass
Replacing the other tools with Amass, after some research I saw that I could do the same thing as all the other tools combined just with Amass.
I also added the "-dir" option for domain tracking and a sample bash script to get slack alerts when a difference is detected.
v3.0 : Focus on Subdomain Enumeration
Related to My subdomains enumeration process I currently prefer to concentrate on subdomain enumeration with this tool and possibly create other tools on the side for other tasks (Basic Checks, Monitoring etc...) ... stay tuned
New release with the modifications requested in issues #10,#11,#12
- Slightly faster on sorting
- Added a new option for the results path
Monitoring bug correction
- Bug correction about monitoring
- Adding a dependency on the installation
v2.2 : Add amass config file option & bug correction about monitoring
- Add an option to provide amass confguration files for better results
- Fixed a bug that caused no message to be sent on slack
v2.1 : Complete rework
- Easier to use (just 2 options)
- Faster (no useless tools)
- Slack alerting (Slack message with new subdomains & open ports)
Amass is now able to do the work that my script did in the first version.
I removed the scans from CORS & TakeOver to focus on subdomain recognition (+ Slack alerting with port scans).
The installation process is also much simpler and clearer than before.
v1.1 : Workflow logic update
Added an option to take screenshots, I added this option because most of the time I use Aquatone in addition of my script.
AutoRecon v1.0
AutoRecon Version 1.0: A tool that focuses on subdomains recon !
- Enum subdomains with Amass, Sublist3r, Subfinder, Crtsh & Certspotter
- Combination of results, check with MassDNS
- Check for TakeOver with Subjack & TkoSubs
- Screenshot with GoWitness
- Check CORS with CORStest
- Check open ports with Masscan
- Creation of an archive and upload with unique link on
Rather than adding a plethora of tools, I personally tested many of them individually and selected those that I found most relevant or that match best with each other.