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Repo to provide hints for Atlan Backend Challenge . I created this as a part of hiring challenge , although they never checked my soln at all but I guess it will help to provide some hint to you .😀 ( PS : Team Atlan never checked back my solution at all though I have submitted within time 🤐)

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Atlan Backend Challenge🚀

In this Doc I am going to share all the approaches and solutions as well as thought process I came across while solving this challenge . Lets begin ..☀

I have provided all the hosted api routes/endpoints of each tasks in the respective task sections of the doc

Table Of Contents

Installation Guide

Clone This repo and follow the commands

  npm install 
  npm start
  run the application locally using npm start

Folder Structure


Task 1

Problem Statement : ⦁ One of our clients wanted to search for slangs (in local language) for an answer to a text question on the basis of cities (which was the answer to a different MCQ question)

After analysing the statement I am assuming that I have to build a middleware or controller to take a word and convert it into a local slang (local language) To solve this I have came across two approches..

📢Approach 1 (Collection based )

  • Build a Collection of Words having all the words in english (like a dictionary )

  • Build subsequent collections of dictionaries in other languages (Slangs )

  • We will map the words and slangs with the help of reference ID of slangs I tried to give a illustration of the thought process below .

Note : To create such type of Database the number of records could be very high and hence throughput will not be as required.


📢Approach 2 (3rd Party API based )

  • I have used Google translate api in this approach.

  • I have designed the route in a way that user will have to provide the word (The word to be converted ) and the language of the slang in query string

The Code of the approach is illustrated below ..👇

const translate = require("@vitalets/google-translate-api");

//controller for converting/translating the slangs ...
//pass the word (in english) and mention the desired language  in which we would like to get the slangs ..

const convertSlangs = async (req, res) => {
	try {
		var word = req.query.word;
		var language = req.query.lang;
		const response = await translate(word, { to: language });
		var data = {
			status: "Success",
			GivenWord: word,
			SlangLanguage: language,
			ConvertedSlang: response.text,
		// send the response
	} catch (error) {
			status: "Failed",
			Msg: "Something Went Wrong!",
			Error: error,

💻API reference for Task 1(Convert slangs )


Endpoint:{enter the word here}&lang={enter the language code here}
Query Strings Description
word the word you want to convert
lang the language in which you want to convert the word

for lang query we need to provide the codes like es fro Espaniol , nl for Danish etc Please refer the API doc link provided above for codes

🎯Task 1 Demo:


Task 2

Problem Statement : ⦁ A market research agency wanted to validate responses coming in against a set of business rules (eg. monthly savings cannot be more than monthly income) and send the response back to the data collector to fix it when the rules generate a flag

After analysing the statement I am assuming that I have to build a middleware/ controller to take data response from the client and then validate the details provided such as income , email etc and send the appropriate response to Collect to perform business logic.

To solve this I have came across the following approch..

🔗Approach ( Validation of Model,etc)

I have handled this testcase in a two step process as described below..

  • Firstly I have creted a ClientInfo model for our clients having all the neccessary fields .

  • while creating the Client Schema I have set up few rules which will help in the validation at entry point. For example I have set up Email validation and other validation like phone number and email ids cant be duplicate etc ..

  • In second step while Sending the Post request I have setup validation for Income (ie monthly savings cant exceed monthly income), mobile number validation (ie it has to be valid 10 length number) etc.

  • I have used try catch blocks to handle the errors occurring during validation so that correct response is sent to the Collect totake neccessary actions .

  • I will be fetching the data of the new client from the request body and running through the validations . Depending upon the validation result required information will be sent to the Collect .

🎯Below is the demo of the client Model having data of all validated clients in Collect


🎯Below is the Screenshot of my Schema model

const clientIncomeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
	clientName: {
		type: String,
		required: [true, "Please Provide the Client name!"],
		maxLength: [50, "Name has to be within 50 chharacters!"],
		minLength: [3, "Name has to be greater than 3 characters !"],
	clientEmail: {
		type: String,
		required: [true, "Please Provide the Client Email!"],
		minLength: [5, "mail has to be greater than 5 characters"],
		maxLength: [70, "mail cannot be greater than 25 characters "],
		unique: [true, "Email already Exists!Pick Another One!"],
		validate: [validator.isEmail, "Please Enter a Valid Email!"],
	clientIncomePerMonth: {
		type: Number,
		default: 0,
		required: [true, "Please Enter the Client Income(Per annum)!"],
	clientSavingsPerMonth: {
		type: Number,
		default: 0,
		required: [true, "Please Enter the Clinet Savings Per annum"],
	clientMobileNum: {
		type: Number,
		required: [true, "Please Provide the Client Phone number!"],
		unique: [true, "Phone number Already taken!"],
	clientAddress: {
		street: {
			type: String,
			required: [true, "Please provide the street "],
		city: {
			type: String,
			required: [true, "Please provide the city !"],
		state: {
			type: String,
			required: [true, "Please provide the state !"],
		country: {
			type: String,
			required: [true, "Please provide the country !"],
		pinCode: {
			type: Number,
			required: [true, "Please provide the address Pin !"],

💻Below is the Code of validation middleware ..

const Client = require("../models/ClientIncomeModel");
// const ErrorHander = require("../middlewares/ErrorHandler");
//controller for client s
const ValidateNewClient = async (req, res, next) => {
	try {
		const {
		} = req.body;

		//income validation ..
		if (clientIncomePerMonth <= clientSavingsPerMonth) {
			return res.status(500).json({
				status: "Failed",
				issue: "Client Income-savings Validation failed!",
				message: "Client monthly Savings Exceeds Client Monthly Income!",
		// Phone number Validation
		if (clientMobileNum.toString().length !== 10) {
			return res.status(500).json({
				status: "Failed",
				issue: "Invalid Mobile Number Provided!",
				message: "Please Provide a valid Mobile number !",
		//enter the details in db after validating the inputs..
		const newClient = await Client.create({
		// send response
			status: "Success",
			message: "Client  successfully created!",
	} catch (error) {
		// validation error handling
		if ( === "ValidationError") {
			return res.status(500).json({
				status: "Failed",
				message: "Something Went Wrong!",
				issue: Object.values(error.errors).map((val) => val.message),
		} else {
			// other error handling (such as duplicate inputs ..)
			return res.status(500).json({
				status: "Failed",
					"Something Went Wrong!(Either Email Or Mobile number is duplicate !)",
				issue: error.message,

🖥API reference for Task 2( Client validation )


Request body Type Description
clientName string Required.Name of the client
clientEmail string Required. Email id of the client
clientMobileNum Number Required. Phone number of the client
clientIncomePerMonth Number Required. Income Per month
clientSavingsPerMonth Number Required. Savings per month
clientAddress Object Required. Address details of the client having the nested fields city, street , country , pin

📝Task 2 result and DEMO 🎞

Demo of accepting a client after validations


Demo of how validations are being tested out against some invalid test cases


Task 3

Problem Statement :

A very common need for organizations is wanting all their data into Google Sheets, wherein they could connect their CRM, and also generate graphs and charts offered by Sheets out of the box. In such cases, each response to the form becomes a row in the sheet, and questions in the form become columns

After analysing the statement I am assuming that I have to build a middleware or controller to utilise the data of the clients recieved in task2 and export in a sheet /csv etc so that in future it can be utilized by the Atlan team for data analysis or displaying graphs , insights etc . To solve this I have came across two approches..


The approach I used to solve this particular problem statement is discussed below:

  • First of all I had to access / read all the data from the Client model i used in task 2

  • I have used a npm package named csv-writer to write data in a local csv file

  • I read the data from the model created local csv file and created rows heading in csv file using the collections keys.And the records of the csv file are the values of the keys .

SS of the CSV file


The Code of the approach is illustrated below ..👇

const ClientInfo = require("../models/ClientIncomeModel");

const createCsvWriter = require("csv-writer").createObjectCsvWriter;
const getDataSheet = async (req, res, next) => {
	try {
		const ClientData = await ClientInfo.find({});

		// console.log(ClientData);
		//creating a csv file to enter the Client data / information in that csv file ..
		const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({
			path: "public/Clients_Information.csv",
			header: [
				{ id: "_id", title: "_id" },
				{ id: "clientName", title: "clientName" },
				{ id: "clientEmail", title: "clientEmail" },
				{ id: "clientIncomePerMonth", title: "clientIncomePerMonth" },
				{ id: "clientSavingsPerMonth", title: "clientSavingsPerMonth" },
				{ id: "clientMobileNum", title: "clientMobileNum" },
				{ id: "clientAddress", title: "clientAddress" },
		// insert data into the csv file
		await csvWriter.writeRecords(ClientData);
		// send the success response
		return res.status(200).json({
			status: "Success",
			message: "Data inserted into the Csv file successfully!",
	} catch (error) {
			status: "Failed",
			issue: "An error Occurred!",
			error: error.message,

🖥 API reference for Task 3(getting data on csv)



🎯Task 3 result and Demo


Task 4

Problem Statement : ⦁ ⦁ A recent client partner wanted us to send an SMS to the customer whose details are collected in the response as soon as the ingestion was complete reliably. The content of the SMS consists of details of the customer, which were a part of the answers in the response. This customer was supposed to use this as a “receipt” for them having participated in the exercise.

After analysing the statement I am assuming that I have to build a middleware/ controller to send customer reciept via sms to his number after he is successfully registered in our system. The content of the sms will contain his details and information which he filled up during registering ..

To solve this I have came across the following approch..


I have handled this testcase in systematic process as described below..

  • Firstly I accepted the user ID of the Customer (which I am assuming will be provided while sending request to the backend ) passed through request params

  • I have used Twilio package for creating client object and sending sms to the client (sms having all his details ) fetched from the database .

  • The phone number Of the reciepent I extract from the Databse .

  • I have also put some validations , such as if the ID requested is valid or not etc . to make it error safe.

🕹Below is the reference to the middleware Code I wrote for Handling the task 3 👇

const twilio = require("twilio");
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const ClientInfo = require("../models/ClientIncomeModel");
// const client = require("twilio")(accountSid, authToken);
const SendSMStoCustomer = async (req, res) => {
	try {
		//accept the customer id from params
		const { id: UserId } = req.params;
		//serach in db for the customer..
		const reqClient = await ClientInfo.findOne({ _id: UserId });
		console.log("My data,", reqClient);
		// if the customer could not be found .
		if (!reqClient) {
			return res.status(404).json({
				status: "Failed",
				response: "The user with given ID does not exists!",
		} else {
			//if the customer was found then the receipt in form of sms
			const client = new twilio(accountSid, authToken);
			var Customer_Reciept = ` Your Details :\n 
        email id :${reqClient.clientEmail}\n 
        name : ${reqClient.clientName}\n 
        Income per Month: ${reqClient.clientIncomePerMonth}\n
        Savings per Month: ${reqClient.clientSavingsPerMonth}\n
        contact Number : ${reqClient.clientMobileNum}\n
        Thanks for your response !Have a nice day!`;
			await client.messages.create({
				body: Customer_Reciept,
				to: `+${91}${reqClient.clientMobileNum}`,
				from: "+19897189499",

				status: "Success",
				message: "Message Sent Successfully!",
	} catch (error) {
		return res.status(500).json({
			status: "Failed!",
			message: "Something Went Wrong!",
			issue: error.message,

💻API reference for Task 4( sending SMS )


🔗Endpoint:{USER ID}
PARAMS Type Description
USER ID OBJECT ID Required.ID of the validated customer . the fetched data will help to send sms to his number

📢NOTE: I have used the free version of twilio so task 4 is valid for a few numbers only for the free service . So there are a few sets of numbers which can be tested against One Such number of testing purpose is 8584979439

If you want to test against your number then you need to create account in twilio and register your number providing your SSR key and password 👲

🖥Task 4 result and DEMO


the sms was sent successfully


Tech Stacks



  • @vitalets/google-translate-api": "^8.0.0
  • csv-writer": "^1.6.0
  • dotenv": "^16.0.1
  • express": "^4.18.1
  • express-async-errors": "^3.1.1
  • mongoose": "^6.5.0
  • nodemon": "^2.0.19
  • twilio": "^3.80.0
  • validator": "^13.7.0


If we develop anything that needs to ‘live’ somewhere besides our local machine, we know that getting an application up and running on a different machine is no simple task There are countless considerations to be had, from the very basics of “how do I get my environment variables set” to which runtimes I’ll need and which dependencies those will rely on, not to mention the need to automate the process. It’s simply not feasible for software teams to rely on a manual deploy process anymore.

A number of technologies have sought to solve this problem of differing environments, automation, and deployment configuration, but the most well-known and perhaps most notable attempt in recent years is Docker.

I have also dockerised This application and below are the process how I achieved it . 👇

  • To dockerize this project run
  docker compose up --build

Docker Demo




I have deployed this project on heroku . The live links of each indivual tasks are provided in their respective sections above

  • To Deploy the project run the command s serially
  heroku login -i
  heroku container:login
  heroku create
  docker build -t .
  docker push
  heroku container:release web -a guarded-tundra-84415
  heroku container:release web -a dry-taiga-43481 
  heroku open -a dry-taiga-43481 

Scalability And Performance Management

While working on this challenge I have paid special attention to make this application error safe ie the application should not hang or break if something goes wrong ! I achieved it by following try catch blocks , writing the error handling codes in catch blocks . Also I have tried to tackle this issue with the help of Async error handling middlewares I have used in my project .

I have used Mongodb as a database which does play a very important role in increasing the performance of this application . the reason is dicussed below:

  • Schema less − MongoDB is a document database in which one collection holds different documents. Number of fields, content and size of the document can differ from one document to another
  • Uses internal memory for storing the (windowed) working set, enabling faster access of data.
  • Auto-Sharding

Further I have used Dockerised the application . The advantages are discussed below :

  • Consistency is a key benefit of Docker wherein developers run an application in a consistent environment right from design and development to production and maintenance.
  • Speed and agility is another key benefit of Docker. It allows you to instantly create containers for every process and deploy them in seconds.
  • Efficiently Management of Multi-Cloud Environments
  • Docker environments are highly secure.

Created with ❤ by

Thank you Team Atlan For checking out my Project ❤❤


Repo to provide hints for Atlan Backend Challenge . I created this as a part of hiring challenge , although they never checked my soln at all but I guess it will help to provide some hint to you .😀 ( PS : Team Atlan never checked back my solution at all though I have submitted within time 🤐)







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