Firebase Hosting :
Netlify Hosting :
FixNexus server side repository :
User can Booked Service and Manage Services and service provider also Added service, update service, view details service and ordered service can update status. We use firebase authentication for user resgister, sign in, login also social login intregrating. A chatbot intregrade using by Google cloud API service.
Comprehensive Service Management: Users can easily add, manage, and book services. Providers can add, manage, book services, and manage their service status.
User Authentication and Security: Secure registration, sign-in, and login via Firebase Authentication. Additional options for Google and GitHub sign-in for added convenience.
Responsive and Engaging User Experience: Responsive design ensuring a consistent experience across various devices. Engaging animations and multiple theme options (light and dark mode) for a personalized and visually appealing user interface.
Frontend Development: React, React DOM, React Router DOM, React Hook Form, React Icons, React Helmet Async, React Toastify, Lottie React, React Datepicker, React Loader Spinner, React Markdown
User Authentication & Security : Firebase
UI Components & Styling : Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI
Development Tools : Vite, ESLint, ESLint Plugins, PostCSS, Autoprefixer
Animations & Effects : Lottie React, React Simple Typewriter, React Scroll Trigger
Additional Libraries : Axios, Highlight.js, SweetAlert2, Swiper
- Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd fixnexus-client
- Install dependencies using npm or yarn:
npm install
yarn install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to access the application.
- Ensure that you have Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system before proceeding with the installation.
- The application requires an active internet connection to fetch service data and provide personalized recommendations.
- Customize the application as needed by modifying the source code files located in the project directory.
- For production deployment, build the project using
npm run build
or yarn build and deploy the generated build files to your hosting server.
Enjoy exploring and discovering your favorite electronic reparir services and parts! 🚀:🚀:🚀