🎓 I’m currently Studying at Airlangga University
🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning
💫 My interests include Writing and Research
💬 Ask me about Projects I have done
😴 Fun fact: I'm sleepy day in, day out
My Github Stats
🎓 I’m currently Studying at Airlangga University
🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning
💫 My interests include Writing and Research
💬 Ask me about Projects I have done
😴 Fun fact: I'm sleepy day in, day out
Ant Colony for Path Planning Route
Python 2
This repository is related to problems that can be solved using Matlab.
A repository documenting everything I’ve learned related to machine learning, including notes, code implementations, projects, and key concepts.
Jupyter Notebook
Simulation Mobile Robot using Webots 2021a Python Language