This is a workaround custom element to support
<template is="dom-repeat">
under IE. Will not be required after this Polymer issue is fixed: Polymer/polymer#1567
Install the component using Bower:
$ bower install Juicy/juicy-table-repeat --save
Or download as ZIP.
Import Web Components' polyfill, if needed:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
Import Custom Element:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/juicy-table-repeat/juicy-table-repeat.html">
Start using it!
Instead of following code:
<!-- your favorite thead -->
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{model.Shops}}">
<!-- other item stuff -->
Use this:
<juicy-table-repeat rows="{{model.Shops}}">
<!-- your favorite thead -->
<template is="dom-template" class="row-template">
<!-- other item stuff -->
Note: juicy-table-repeat
observes changes in the rows
array, but re-rendering HTML table might be expensive.
- A splice on the
array causes entire table re-rendering. - A row property change causes entire table row re-rendering.
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
rows |
Array | The array of objects to iterate over. |
For detailed changelog, check Releases.