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AliNe (Alignment in Nextflow)

AliNe is a pipeline written in nextflow that aims to efficiently align reads against a reference genome using the tools of your choice.

Genome + Reads => FastQC -> Alignment -> Sort -> MultiQC

Table of Contents


AliNe is a pipeline written in nextflow that aims to efficienlty align reads against a reference genome.

A QC with FastQC is made at each step if option activated. A trimming is feasible before alignment if option activated. The pipeline deals with all quality encoding ('sanger', 'solexa', 'illumina-1.3+', 'illumina-1.5+', 'illumina-1.8+'). All fastq will be standardised in Phred+33 for downstream alignments by seqkit. You can choose to run one or several aligner in parallel.

Here is the list of implemented aligners:

Tool Single End (short reads) Paired end (short reads) Pacbio ONT
bbmap x x x x
bowtie2 x x
bwaaln x x R1 and R2 independently aligned then merged with bwa sampe
bwamem x x
bwasw x x
graphmap2 x x R1 and R2 independently aligned then merged with cat
hisat2 x x
minimap2 x x
nucmer x x R1 and R2 are concatenated then aligned
star x x
star 2pass mode x x
subread x x


The prerequisites to run the pipeline are:


# clone the workflow repository
git clone

# Move in it
cd AliNe


  • Via conda

    See here ``` conda create -n nextflow conda activate nextflow conda install nextflow ```
  • Manually

    See here Nextflow runs on most POSIX systems (Linux, macOS, etc) and can typically be installed by running these commands:
    # Make sure 11 or later is installed on your computer by using the command:
    java -version
    # Install Nextflow by entering this command in your terminal(it creates a file nextflow in the current dir):
    curl -s | bash 
    # Add Nextflow binary to your user's PATH:
    mv nextflow ~/bin/
    # OR system-wide installation:
    # sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin

Container platform

To run the workflow you will need a container platform: docker or singularity.


Please follow the instructions at the Docker website


Please follow the instructions at the Singularity website


You can first check the available options and parameters by running: nextflow run --help

To run the workflow you must select a profile according to the container platform you want to use:

  • singularity, a profile using Singularity to run the containers
  • docker, a profile using Docker to run the containers

The command will look like that:

nextflow run -profile docker <rest of paramaters>

Another profile is available (/!\ actually not yet implemented):

  • slurm, to add if your system has a slurm executor (local by default)

The use of the slurm profile will give a command like this one:

nextflow run -profile docker,slurm <rest of paramaters>

Test the workflow

Test data are included in the AliNe repository in the test folder.

A typical command to run a test on single end data will look like that:

nextflow run -profile docker --aligner hisat2,graphmap2,bwamem,nucmer --genome test/hpv16.fa --reads test/U2OS_A1_R1_sub100000.fastq --single_end true --reads_extension .fastq

On success you should get a message looking like this:

  AliNe Pipeline execution summary
    Completed at : 2024-03-07T21:40:23.180547+01:00
    UUID         : e2a131e3-3652-4c90-b3ad-78f758c06070
    Duration     : 8.4s
    Success      : true
    Exit Status  : 0
    Error report : -



You can simply remove the AliNe directory from your computer, and remove the nextflow conda environment:

conda remove -n nextflow