By Jules Debeaumont
- Do a
git init
- Clone the project
- Do a
composer install
- Log as admin on your localhost/phpmyadmin
- Make a new user for the Symfony4 access
- Copy the .env file
- Paste and rename the second one to .env.local at /
- Add .env.local to gitignore file
- In the .env.local:
These settings are suggestions, put whatever you want:
User: QuoteMachine
Password: iutinfo
- Once done, edit the .env.local you made
- Make sure the database access looks like the following one:
If using other Database (aka MariaDB, SQLite etc...), make sure to change the server version!
Run composer reset
This will delete the database if there's one, create a new one depending on the actual entities of the project, apply migrations and load all fixtures.
Do a symfony serve
*If you encounter trouble with this command, you may try this one (mostly Windows issue):
php -S -t public
- Execute CS-Fixer in src:
composer cs-fixer
- Delete, create and update database schema then run test:
composer test