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Matrix-free example example with a discretized PDE
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amontoison committed Oct 27, 2024
1 parent b6d8179 commit 406c8b2
Showing 1 changed file with 139 additions and 0 deletions.
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -290,6 +290,145 @@ u_star = -sin.(x)
u_star ≈ u_sol

## Example with discretized PDE

### Example 4: Solving the 3D Helmholtz equation

The Helmholtz equation in 3D is a fundamental equation used in various fields like acoustics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics to model stationary wave phenomena.

The equation is given by:
\nabla^2 u(x,y,z) + k^2 u(x,y,z) = f(x,y,z)
In this equation, $u(x, y, z)$ represents the unknown function, which could describe a pressure field in acoustics, a scalar potential in electromagnetism, or a wave function in quantum mechanics.
The operator $\nabla^2$ denotes the Laplacian in three dimensions. The wave number $k$ is related to the frequency of the wave through the equation $k = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}$, where $\lambda$ is the wavelength.
Finally, $f(x,y,z)$ is a source term that drives the wave phenomena, acting as a forcing function or external influence.

To discretize the Helmholtz equation, we use finite differences on a uniform 3D grid with grid spacings $\Delta x$, $\Delta y$, and $\Delta z$.
For a grid point $(i, j, k)$, the second derivatives are approximated as follows:

- In the $x$-direction:
\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} \approx \frac{u_{i+1,j,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i-1,j,k}}{\Delta x^2}
- In the $y$-direction:
\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2} \approx \frac{u_{i,j+1,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j-1,k}}{\Delta y^2}
- In the $z$-direction:
\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial z^2} \approx \frac{u_{i,j,k+1} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j,k-1}}{\Delta z^2}
Combining these, the discretized Helmholtz equation becomes:
\frac{u_{i+1,j,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i-1,j,k}}{\Delta x^2} + \frac{u_{i,j+1,k} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j-1,k}}{\Delta y^2} + \frac{u_{i,j,k+1} - 2u_{i,j,k} + u_{i,j,k-1}}{\Delta z^2} + k^2 u_{i,j,k} = f_{i,j,k}

This discretization results in an equation at each grid point, resulting in a large and sparse linear system when assembled across the entire 3D grid.
To simplify the example, we impose Dirichlet boundary conditions with the solution $u(x, y, z) = 0$ on the boundary of the cubic domain.

Explicitly constructing this large sparse matrix is often impractical and unnecessary.
Instead, we can define a function that directly applies the Helmholtz operator to the 3D grid, avoiding the need to form the matrix explicitly.

Krylov.jl operates on vectors, so we must vectorize both the solution and the computational domain.
However, we can still maintain the structure of the original 3D operator by using `reshape` and `vec`.
This approach enables a simpler and efficient application of the operator in 3D while leveraging the vectorized framework for linear algebra operations.

```@example helmholtz
using Krylov, LinearAlgebra
# Parameters
L = 1.0 # Length of the cubic domain
Nx = 200 # Number of interior grid points in x
Ny = 200 # Number of interior grid points in y
Nz = 200 # Number of interior grid points in z
Δx = L / (Nx + 1) # Grid spacing in x
Δy = L / (Ny + 1) # Grid spacing in y
Δz = L / (Nz + 1) # Grid spacing in z
wavelength = 0.5 # Wavelength of the wave
k = 2 * π / wavelength # Wave number
# Create the grid points
x = 0:Δx:L # Points in x dimension (Nx + 2)
y = 0:Δy:L # Points in y dimension (Ny + 2)
z = 0:Δz:L # Points in z dimension (Nz + 2)
# Define a matrix-free Helmholtz operator
struct HelmholtzOperator
Base.size(A::HelmholtzOperator) = (A.Nx * A.Ny * A.Nz, A.Nx * A.Ny * A.Nz)
Base.eltype(A::HelmholtzOperator) = Float64
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::Vector, A::HelmholtzOperator, u::Vector)
# Reshape vectors y and u into 3D arrays
U = reshape(u, A.Nx, A.Ny, A.Nz)
Y = reshape(y, A.Nx, A.Ny, A.Nz)
# Apply the discrete Laplacian in 3D with k^2 * u
for i in 1:A.Nx
for j in 1:A.Ny
for k in 1:A.Nz
if i == 1
dx2 = (U[i+1,j,k] -2 * U[i,j,k]) / (A.Δx)^2
elseif i == A.Nx
dx2 = (-2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i-1,j,k]) / (A.Δx)^2
dx2 = (U[i+1,j,k] -2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i-1,j,k]) / (A.Δx)^2
if j == 1
dy2 = (U[i,j+1,k] -2 * U[i,j,k]) / (A.Δy)^2
elseif j == A.Ny
dy2 = (-2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j-1,k]) / (A.Δy)^2
dy2 = (U[i,j+1,k] -2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j-1,k]) / (A.Δy)^2
if k == 1
dz2 = (U[i,j,k+1] -2 * U[i,j,k]) / (A.Δz)^2
elseif k == A.Nz
dz2 = (-2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j,k-1]) / (A.Δz)^2
dz2 = (U[i,j,k+1] -2 * U[i,j,k] + U[i,j,k-1]) / (A.Δz)^2
Y[i,j,k] = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 + (A.k)^2 * U[i,j,k]
return y
# Create the matrix-free operator for the Helmholtz equation
A = HelmholtzOperator(Nx, Ny, Nz, Δx, Δy, Δz, k)
# Source term f(x, y, z) = -2k² * sin(kx) * sin(ky) * sin(kz)
F = [-2 * k^2 * sin(k * x[ii+1]) * sin(k * y[jj+1]) * sin(k * z[kk+1]) for ii in 1:Nx, jj in 1:Ny, kk in 1:Nz]
f = vec(F)
# Solve the linear system using MinAres
u_sol, stats = minares(A, f, atol=1e-10, rtol=0.0, verbose=1)
# Solution as 3D array
U_sol = reshape(u_sol, Nx, Ny, Nz)
# Exact solution u(x,y,z) = sin(kx) * sin(ky) * sin(kz)
U_star = [sin(k * x[ii+1]) * sin(k * y[jj+1]) * sin(k * z[kk+1]) for ii in 1:Nx, jj in 1:Ny, kk in 1:Nz]
# Compute the maximum error between the numerical solution U_sol and the exact solution U_star
norm(U_sol - U_star, Inf)

Note that preconditioners can be also implemented as abstract operators.
For instance, we could compute the Cholesky factorization of $M$ and $N$ and create linear operators that perform the forward and backsolves.

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