Learn various algorithms (Data Structure and Algorithms).
Know what you have to know.
You don't need to learn everthing.
Make it work then optimize.
Start from small then expand.
Don't hesitate to copy code from others.
Don't just copy, understand it.
Take time to learn your tech stack convention because it will guides you along the way.
Try doing some leetcode or hackerank etc.
Create a portfolio.
Write minimal comments for your code in the case you're going back after a long time.
Document your code if you have the time to help future collaborators.
Learn to read docs.
Self learning is your best friend.
Lastly, touch some grass.
(DRY) Don't Repeat Yourself
(SOLID) Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregationn, Dependency Inversion
(KISS) Keep It Simple, Stupid
(YAGNI) You Aren't Gonna Need It
Aim for cleaner code
Utilize programming patterns (Creational, Structural, Behavioural)