portadom / Exports
- AnyHandle
- BrowserPortadom
- CheerioPortadom
- HandleLike
- PlaywrightHandlePortadom
- PlaywrightLocatorPortadom
- PlaywrightPortapage
- browserPortadom
- cheerioPortadom
- createPlaywrightElementSerializer
- createPortadomArrayPromise
- createPortadomPromise
- handleIsLocator
- mergeHandles
- playwrightHandlePortadom
- playwrightLocatorPortadom
- playwrightPortapage
- splitCheerioSelection
- splitPlaywrightSelection
Ƭ AnyHandle<T
>: JSHandle
> | ElementHandle
Any instance that is a Playwright Handle.
Name | Type |
T |
any |
Ƭ BrowserPortadom<T
>: Portadom
, Element
Implementation of Portadom in browser (using Browser API)
Name | Type |
T |
extends Element = Element |
Ƭ CheerioPortadom<El
>: Portadom
, Cheerio
Implementation of Portadom in Cheerio
Name | Type |
El |
extends Cheerio <AnyNode > = Cheerio <AnyNode > |
Ƭ HandleLike<T
>: Locator
| JSHandle
> | ElementHandle
Any instance that is a Playwright Handle, or can be converted to one.
Name | Type |
T |
any |
Ƭ PlaywrightHandlePortadom<El
>: Portadom
, Locator
| ElementHandle
Implementation of Portadom in Playwright using Handles
Name | Type |
El |
extends Locator | ElementHandle <Node > = Locator | ElementHandle <Node > |
Ƭ PlaywrightLocatorPortadom<El
>: Portadom
, Locator
Implementation of Portadom in Playwright using Locators
Name | Type |
El |
extends Locator = Locator |
Ƭ PlaywrightPortapage<T
>: Portapage
, { container
] ; page
: T
Implementation of Portapage in Playwright
Name | Type |
T |
extends Page = Page |
▸ browserPortadom<El
): BrowserPortadom
Implementation of Portadom in browser (using Browser API)
Name | Type |
El |
extends Element <El > |
Name | Type |
node |
El |
▸ cheerioPortadom<El
, srcUrl
): CheerioPortadom
Implementation of Portadom in Cheerio
Name | Type |
El |
extends Cheerio <AnyNode , El > |
Name | Type |
cheerioNode |
El |
srcUrl |
null | string |
▸ createPlaywrightElementSerializer<T
): Promise
<{ resolveId
: (id
: string
) => Promise
> | ElementHandle
>> ; resolveIds
: (ids
: string
[]) => Promise
| Element
)[]>> ; serializeEls
: (elsHandle
: JSHandle
[]>) => Promise
[]> }>
Helper methods that allow to represent HTML Elements on the Page as string IDs
We use this so we can identify which elements have already been processed, and which have not. Normally, the elements are represented via Playwright JSHandle/ElementHandle. However, if two Handles are pointing to the same Element, we're unable to count them as one, because it's two instances that don't have any IDs of the Elemenets. On the other hand, using the string IDs, two different JSHandles will return the same string if they point to the same Element, so we cache the IDs outside of Playwright in Sets or Maps.
Name | Type |
T |
extends Page <T > |
Name | Type |
page |
T |
<{ resolveId
: (id
: string
) => Promise
> | ElementHandle
>> ; resolveIds
: (ids
: string
[]) => Promise
| Element
)[]>> ; serializeEls
: (elsHandle
: JSHandle
[]>) => Promise
[]> }>
▸ createPortadomArrayPromise<El
, BaseEl
): PortadomArrayPromise
, BaseEl
Wrapper for a Promise that resolves to a n Array of Portadom instances. This allows us to chain Portadom methods before the Promise is resolved.
const dom = Promise.resolve(browserPortadom({}));
Instead of:
const resA = await (await dom).findOne('..');
const resB = await (await dom).text();
You can call:
const domP = createPortadomArrayPromise(dom);
const resA = await domP.findOne('..');
const resB = await domP.text();
Name |
El |
BaseEl |
Name | Type |
promiseDom |
MaybePromise <Portadom <El , BaseEl >[]> |
, BaseEl
▸ createPortadomPromise<El
, BaseEl
): PortadomPromise
, BaseEl
Wrapper for a Promise that resolves to a Portadom instance. This allows us to chain Portadom methods before the Promise is resolved.
const dom = Promise.resolve(browserPortadom({}));
Instead of:
const resA = await (await dom).findOne('..');
const resB = await (await dom).text();
You can call:
const domP = createPortadomPromise(dom);
const resA = await domP.findOne('..');
const resB = await domP.text();
Name |
El |
BaseEl |
Name | Type |
promiseDom |
MaybePromise <null | Portadom <El , BaseEl >> |
, BaseEl
▸ handleIsLocator<T
): h is Locator
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
h |
HandleLike <T > |
h is Locator
▸ mergeHandles<T
, options?
): Promise
Join several Locators and Handles in a single JSHandle.
Locators are evaluated to their matching elements.
To override how Locators are resolved, supply own locatorResolver
Name | Type |
T |
any |
Name | Type |
handles |
HandleLike <T >[] |
options? |
Object |
options.locatorResolver? |
(loc : Locator ) => MaybePromise <MaybeArray <AnyHandle <T >>> |
▸ playwrightHandlePortadom<El
, page
): PlaywrightHandlePortadom
Implementation of Portadom in Playwright using Handles
Name | Type |
El |
extends ElementHandle <Node > | Locator |
Name | Type |
node |
El |
page |
Page |
▸ playwrightLocatorPortadom<El
, page
): PlaywrightLocatorPortadom
Implementation of Portadom in Playwright using Locators
Name | Type |
El |
extends Locator |
Name | Type |
node |
El |
page |
Page |
▸ playwrightPortapage<T
): Promise
Implementation of Portapage in Playwright
Name | Type |
T |
extends Page <T > |
Name | Type |
page |
T |
▸ splitCheerioSelection(cheerioSel
): Cheerio
Given a Cheerio selection, split it into an array of Cheerio selections, where each has only one element.
From Cheerio[el, el, el, el]
To [Cheerio[el], Cheerio[el], Cheerio[el], Cheerio[el]]
Name | Type |
cheerioSel |
Cheerio <AnyNode > |
▸ splitPlaywrightSelection<T
): Promise
Given a Playwright JSHandle that points to an array of Elements, split it into an array of ElementHandles, where each has only one element.
From JSHandle([el, el, el)]
To ElHandle(el), ElHandle(el), ElHandle(el)
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
handle |
JSHandle <T []> |