The website Zippyshare has shutdown and as a result, this repo will be archived indefinitely as a result.
The Anti-Circumvention clause of the DMCA does not apply to this project as the same concept applies as what the YT-DL project did. To read further check here.
git clone
cd .\GoZippy\BuildScripts\
git clone
cd .\GoZippy\BuildScripts\
go build -o "bin/" ..
Further alternatives include selecting the relevant architecture from the BuildScripts folder.
-h, --help | Prints this help screen.
-A, --async | Checks multiple links at once instead of one at a time.
-D, --download | Downloads the link(s) specified. (Async is unsupported.)
-F, --file | Reads all links from the file.
(Example: ./GoZippy.exe -F 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\ZippyLinks.txt')
-L, --link | Downloads the link(s) specified.
(Example: ./GoZippy.exe -L '' )
(MultiLink Example: ./GoZippy.exe -L '' '' )
-S, --silent | Suppresses all output except direct links to std-out.
-Sr, --sort | Outputs the links in the same order it was found in the file. (Only works if async and output is used.)
./GoZippy.exe -L ''
/GoZippy -F links.txt -A -S -Sr >> output.txt
.\GoZippy.exe -F 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\links.txt' -D 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\output\'
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