A Netflix clone app created in Vue 3 that lets the user view movie details, scroll like in Netflix and the ability to add and remove from a wishlist of watch movies. I've tried my best to learn and use Vue 3 in a very short amount of time, and with limited knowledge on JS. There is a lot to be improved here.
- Login screen
- Browse screen using an API call to fetch movie data object and present/display to the user.
- Hover over movies to display movie name and buttons to add/remove/view movie details.
- Add movie to wishlist -> View My List page to see your selected movies displayed.
- Login info, as well as wishlisted selections are stored in localStorage so if you close or refresh, all data is present.
- Logging out will result in being pushed back to login page with login details cleared, but your wishlisted items stay in localStorage.
npm install
npm run dev