This project is a template for building React App linked to WebGl with all my favorite tools already configured.
Obviously, the app is using the latest version of react
. For avoiding the relative path, I modified the webpack and allowing the import with an alias. I also added the support for sass files.
In addition, I added prettier
and configured it for working well with esLint
. Finally, I added the basic usefull package such as the router and the helmet.
For the WebGl part, I am using React Three Fiber
and GLSL
for the shader. For a starting point, the project already has 2 pages with few meshes, 1 GLSL transition and a scroll linked to the canvas.
I explain with all the details how I build the project and my way of working.
The jsdoc can be generated locally with the following command :
npm run build:docs
Folder's Name | Description of the folder |
out | The documentation generated by jsdoc |
public | Regroup the images and public files |
src | Regroup the source code |
Folder's Name | Description of the folder |
components | Regroup the components used inside the pages |
constants | Regroup the exported constants |
pages | Regroup the components representing the pages |
services | Regroup the services of the app |
styles | Regroup the scss files |
For creating a new page, you need to set create a components inside the folder pages and to connect it in app by creating a Panel with the size of the page and creating the route.
- react-app-rewired: Allow us to rewrite the config of React without ejecting the app
- customize-cra: Allow us to rewrite the config of webpack and create module alias
- eslint: For linting the code with EsLint
- @babel/eslint-parser: Changing the parser for having access to eslint in babel
- eslint-config-airbnb: For having the set of rules airbnb for eslint
- eslint-plugin-import: For managing the alias import with eslint
- eslint-plugin-react: For managing the react rules
- prettier: For formating the style of the code
- eslint-plugin-prettier: For using the prettier package with esLint
- sass: For using the SASS css preprocessor (scss)
- jsdoc: For managing the dev documentation of the project
- react-router-dom: For managing the router and the path to the differents pages
- react-helmet: For managing the meta of the differents page
- three: Allow us to use the webgl easily
- @react-three/fiber: For connecting three with react
- @react-three/drei: An extension of r3f for using the shader
- wouter: For managing the routing of the app easily
For running the API, a single command is needed.
npm run start
- npm run start: Run the linter and then the project
- npm run build: Build the project
- npm run test: Run the test of the project
- npm run eject: Eject the application (sometimes necessary)
- npm run linter:fix: Run the linter and fix the errors
- npm run build:docs: Build the documentation from the comments in the code
- npm run check-update: Check if the package are up to date (for now, everything is except the testing and webvital)