This is a modification to VPET Simulator that allows your virtual pet to suggest games to you. Games from the Steam library are imported from registry keys.
This modification searches the specified paths to find .exe / .lnk / .url files that have the correct name.
- LinePutScript
- LinePutScript.Localization.WPF
- Microsoft.CSharp
- Microsoft.Win32.Registry
- Panuon.WPF
- Panuon.WPF.UI
- System.Data.DataSetExtension
- System.Drawing.Common
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe
- VPet-Simulator.Core
- VPet-Simulator.Windows.Interface
- Rewrite
- Added Chinese (zh-Hans) translated by @genhao64
- Support for .url files
- Fixed bug when path does not have game application
- Project start
If you have any Feedback or questions, please contact me at or Discord.
The VPet.Plugin.LetsPlayIt is an independent project developed by an individual.