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BigFix Download Plug-In for Authenticated HTTPS downloads using token authentication (i.e. GitHub)

Requires Python 3.9+

This is not a supported BigFix tool and is for demonstration purposes. Use at your own risk


GitHub allows only limited download methods using authentication tokens. You will not be able to download directly from, for example. To download using this plugin, you need to have created Tags/Releases in the repo, then use the API urls to download Assets from a Tag. For example to view the Assets of this project, after authenticating we may browse to This provides a list of Tags and Assets for each Release. We can use the URLs provided in that output to download via this plugin. The download URLs should start with

To build the plugin (assuming Python is already installed)

  • Install requirements
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Test script loads
    • python -h
  • Create executable

To Load Plugin on the BES Server:

Create json install file, ex. "plugin_TokenAuthDownload" (filename should begin with 'plugin_' and have no filename extension):

   "message" : "add",
   "protocol" : "TokenAuthDownload",
   "location" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\BigFix Enterprise\\BES Server\\DownloadPlugins\\TokenAuthDownload\\TokenAuthDownload.exe"

Place the file in C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\Mirror Server\Inbox. The file is ingested by the BESRootServer and will be deleted from this directory when processed.

Create the target directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\DownloadPlugins\TokenAuthDownload ) and copy dist\TokenAuthDownload\TokenAuthDownload.exe and config.json to that directory.

To configure the plugin,

  • create (at least one) authentication token (assuming, select your profile -> Settings -> Developer Options -> Personal Access Tokens).
  • Create a config.json file based upon the example sample-config.json provided in this repository, and place config.json in the BES Server\DownloadPlugins\TokenAuthDownload directory.
  • The config.json contains a stanza for url_configs allowing to specify multiple configurations.
    • Each url configuration contains a a url_list array. Each element is a Regular Expression. The requested download URL is compared to each regular expression in the url_list. If the requested url matches multiple url_list entries, the longest regular expression matched is selected.
    • Update the token entry of each url_config when first installing the Download Plug-In, and whenever the given token is updated.
    • Provide a unique config_name value for each url_configs entry. The top-level plugin_name is combined with each url_configs.config_name to determine the name of the token that will be stored in the Keyring (Windows Credential Manager on Windows, by default). I.e. TokenAuthPlugin_configuration1
    • Hint: To use the same token for all urls, a default regex to 'match anything' is .*
    • Hint: In a Regular Expression, the '.' symbol is a wildcard that matches any character. To literally match the '.' symbols in one must escape the '.' character as server\.domain\.com. Further, in JSON the backslash character must be escaped as \\, so to match a URL of "https://<anything><anything>" the config.json entry should read "https://.*\\.example\\.com/.*"
  • The next time the plugin runs (triggered by a download command in an Action Script), the all provided token values will be removed from the config.json and stored in the system keyring (Windows Credential Manager, by default, on Windows; see Python Keyring module docs for info on other platforms)
    • Note: Because the keyring is stored per-user, saving the token in the keyring must be performed by the user account of the BESRootServer service (LocalSystem, by default); so the key should be stored by issuing a BigFix Action that references the plug-in, to ensure the Download PlugIn is executed by the BESRootServer process.

Example config.json:

The following example configuration defines three configurations. The url_configs and token for 'default' will be used for any download that does not match one of the other two example url_configs entries. Three tokens may be stored; they will be named TokenAuthDownload_default, TokenAuthConfig_internal-server-1, or TokenAuthConfig_github. On first run, the "token" value in the 'default' stanza will be removed from the configuration file and stored in the system keyring.

  "plugin_name": "TokenAuthDownload",
  "log": "c:\\temp\\logfile.txt",
  "log_level": 20,
  "url_configs": [
      "config_name": "default",
      "url_list": [
      "token": "pat_token_XXXXXXX"
      "config_name": "internal-server-1",
      "url_list": [
      "token": null

      "config_name": "github",
      "url_list": [
      "token": null

To remove the download plugin from the BES Server, create file "plugin_TokenAuthDownload" and place in the Mirror Server\Inbox directory:

   "message" : "remove",
   "protocol" : "TokenAuthDownload"


To use the plugin, create a download action message such as prefetch bigfix.png sha1:9b84643d03b11e0d196c2967d7f870b1c212c165 size:4083 TokenAuthDownload:// sha256:b658f7f01256d9f4a30270375050b829a99cc9ad8738463bc7c582fd6c3ee9bb

To get the URL to a release asset for a GitHub repo, you may use a REST API client or curl command to retrieve, such as

curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: token github_pat_XXX"

For troubleshooting, check the logfile.txt in the download plugin directory. For more detailed logging, modify config.json and set log_level to 20 or to 10 (lower log level = more messages)

To test the plugin outside of BigFix

  • Ensure a valid config.json exists in the directory of the script or executable version of TokenDownloadPlugin.
  • Create a downloads.json file (see 'sample-downloads.json' in this repo for an example).
  • Execute either the compiled TokenAuthDownload.exe or the Python script. Use the command-line arguments --downloads "path_to_sample_downloads.json". i.e.
    • TokenAuthDownload.exe --downloads "c:\temp\sample-downloads.json"
  • Script execution logs are displayed to the terminal as well as to whatever log location is specified in the configuration file.
  • Note: Because the BESRootServer process executes in a distinct user context, you may need to test the plug-in by running in the same user account as the BESRootServer service; or repeat storing the personal access token to the keyring in both your own user account and in the BESRootServer service's account.

Other useful info on GitHub downloads:



  • Handle other authentication types (BASIC auth via username/password)
  • Allow adding custom headers via config.json (as well as per-server/per-url headers)


BigFix Download Plug-In for Authenticated HTTPS downloads







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