========== HOW TO USE ============================================================
Git Clone
cd k4r-import-ERP-service/
sh run.sh
*** in case your are running it second or later time .. *** There might be an ERROR: ERRO[0000] error waiting for container: context canceled *** To resolve it [need to stop previous docker container] *** 1. docker ps *** 2. docker stop [CONTAINER ID]
[open another terminal with same folder path]
- sh curl.sh
RESULT EXPECTED : As an response you will get xml contents [IDOC XML SHELF 19] [Then import service is working perfectly on your system]
POSTing REQUSET via code : Check the contents of curl.sh file It has 3 importannt sections of request:
- --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3456/xmlIDOC'
- --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
- --data-raw 'XML FILE CONTENTS'
RESTful Service imports ERP data in XML IDOC form and converts to JSON and Sends to Digital Twin
Build the docker image for container and Run the container: docker build -f Dockerfile -t nodecontainer . docker run -p 3456:3456 nodecontainer .
[Note: As you might have observed, I have changed port to 3456]
======================TO Check last sent xml string================================
CURL : curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3456/getLastXMLEntry'
[OR] sh getLastXml.sh