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TONX v3.0.1

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@KARPED1EM KARPED1EM released this 22 Nov 17:46



  • Base on AmongUs v2023.10.24
  • Base on TOH v5.1.3


  • Create/join public lobbies is temporarily unavailable
  • This change is due to a server-side update that makes modded public lobbies unavailable for vanilla. Private lobbies are not affected.
  • Currently, this change is NOT permanent.


  • Fixed the bug of frame drops in the game when the host is a GM
  • Fixed the bug of incorrect translation of warnings for anti-black screen measures
  • Fixed the bug where Pelicans were unable to eat player on the Fungle map
  • Fixed the bug where the Scavenger could not use skills on the Fungle map
  • Fixed the bug of inoperability caused by switching the vanilla of the main page
  • Fixed the bug that some commands cannot be used
  • Fixed the bug caused by the window that showing the reason for disconnection
  • Fixed the bug of overlapping text due to incorrect text format of /n command
  • Fixed the bug where the game does not respond after update is completed
  • Fixed the bug where updates often failed due to reasons other than the network
  • Fixed the bug where no one would receive the prompt after the death of Celebrity
  • Fixed the bug where the Mortician would not receive a prompt after the player dies.
  • Fixed the bug where hacking skills would not report the dead players but forced self-reporting
  • Fixed the bug where players in the Pelican's belly would not be teleported back after pelican's death
  • Fixed the bug where Repairmen could not use vent
  • Fixed the bug where skill cooldown would be paused when using F1
  • Fixed the bug where sometimes the kill button would not respond
  • Fixed the bug where Jackal's skills would sometimes trigger when no one died
  • Fixed the bug that a large number of roles skills could not be triggered when addons enabled
  • Fixed the bug where the Blood Knight can directly see the Impostor and cannot kill the Impostor
  • Fixed the bug where vanilla players would not display themselves as lovers when there was Neptune on the field
  • Fixed the bug where sometimes player names were displayed as empty


  • Completely disable EAC and TONX-Chan to prevent false positives from anti-virus software
  • Colorize message templates in all languages
  • Color the /help command list
  • Players on the EAC list will not be able to create public lobbies
  • The mod side will no longer see Gusser/Judge commands sent by other players


  • Options: Try Hide Gusser/Judge commands (enabled by default)

New Feature

  • Translation: Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Players who tamper with friend codes or are not logged in can now be banned
  • Players of the vanilla can now see the format and colored text of system messages
  • Try to hide the Gusser/Judge command to keep messages logged if possible
  • New F1 roles introduction view page
  • Duplicate player nicknames will be modified to ensure there are no duplicate names

Role Changing

  • Directly display the SuperStar’s role name to all players
  • Workaholic & Hater has been fixed and added role option lists



  • 基于 AmongUs v2023.10.24
  • 基于 TOH v5.1.3


  • 目前无法创建或加入公开房间,这是因为服务器端更新导致修改后的公共房间不适用于原版。私人房间不受影响。 目前,此更改不是永久性的。


  • 修复房主作为管理员时在游戏内会掉帧的问题
  • 修复防黑屏措施的警告翻译错误问题
  • 修复鹈鹕在蘑菇岛地图无法吃人的问题
  • 修复清道夫在蘑菇岛地图无法使用技能的问题
  • 修复主页面切换原版导致无法操作的问题
  • 修复部分指令无法使用的问题
  • 修复掉线原因显示窗口未判空导致的一些问题
  • 修复/n指令文本格式错误导致文本重叠的问题
  • 修复一键更新完成后游戏没有反应的问题
  • 修复一键更新经常因网络以外的原因失败的问题
  • 修复网红死亡后不会有仍何人收到提示的问题
  • 修复入殓师在玩家死亡后不会收到提示的问题
  • 修复骇客技能不会报告死者而是强制自报的问题
  • 修复鹈鹕死亡后肚子里的玩家不会被传送回来的问题
  • 修复修理工无法使用通风管的问题
  • 修复使用F1时技能冷却会被暂停的问题
  • 修复有时击杀按钮没有反应的问题
  • 修复豺狼有时在无人死亡的情况下触发技能的问题
  • 修复开启附加职业时引起的大量职业技能无法触发问题
  • 修复嗜血骑士可以直接看到内鬼且无法击杀内鬼的问题
  • 修复场上存在海王时原版玩家不会将自己显示为恋人的问题
  • 修复有时玩家名字显示为空的问题


  • 完全禁用EAC与车队姬以防止被杀毒软件误报
  • 为所有语言的消息模板上色
  • 为 /help 指令列表上色
  • EAC名单的玩家将无法创建公开房间
  • 模组端不再会看到其他玩家发送的赌怪/法官指令


  • 选项:尝试混淆赌怪/法官指令(默认开启)


  • 翻译:葡萄牙语
  • 可以封禁篡改好友代码或未登录玩家了
  • 原版玩家可以看到系统消息的格式与彩色文字了
  • 尝试混淆赌怪/法官指令将尽可能保留消息记录
  • 新的F1技能介绍查看页面
  • 将会修改重复的玩家昵称以确保没有重复昵称


  • 大明星在名字旁显示星星的同时将也直接显示职业名
  • 工作狂&FFF团已修复并加入职业选项