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Laravel 10 event sourced banking application

The goal of the project was to develop a php event sourced application using Laravel 10.

For inspiration, I used the following Python event sourced BankAccounts application:

Using Spatie laravel-event-sourcing package (, the following project building blocks were coded:

1) Project events:

AccountOpened, FundsDeposited, FundsWithdrawn, OverdraftLimitCreated, OverdraftLimitReached, FundsTransferred

2) Project projectors:

AccountProjector, TransferFundsProjector

3) Project reactors:


4) Project aggregates:

AccountAggregateRoot, TransferFundsAggregateRoot

alt text

Installation steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    (terminal command) git clone

  2. Install composer dependencies: (terminal command) composer install

  3. Copy the environment file ".env.example" and rename it ".env": (terminal command) cp .env.example .env

  4. Generate a Laravel application key: (terminal command) php artisan key:generate

  5. Configure the database:

    Open the .env file in a text editor and configure your database settings.

    You will need to set values for:

    • DB_HOST
    • DB_PORT
  6. Migrate the database: (terminal command) php artisan migrate

  7. Seed the database (Optional): (terminal command) php artisan db:seed --class=AccountSeeder

    This will create two bank customers (visible in the "users" database table) and two bank accounts (visible in the "accounts" database table).

Customer 1

Customer 2

Customer 1 bank account:

  • id: 1
  • account_uuid: 00643dd8-d888-4576-9839-9bef16e3cbda
  • balance: 1999.99
  • overdraft: (randomly generated integer between 0 and 200)
  • user_id: 1

Customer 2 bank account:

  • id: 2
  • account_uuid: d5e161f1-3e47-4d77-985d-a05558efc9ba
  • balance: (randomly generated 2 decimals float number between 1000.00 and 2000.00)
  • overdraft: (randomly generated integer between 0 and 200)
  • user_id: 2

You can also (optionally) simulate a bank funds transfer from Customer 1 bank account to Customer 2 bank account by running the following seeder (terminal command):

php artisan db:seed --class=TransferFundSeeder

This will store a row entry in the database table "transfer_funds" with the following values:

  • id: 1
  • debitor_account_uuid: 00643dd8-d888-4576-9839-9bef16e3cbda
  • creditor_account_uuid: d5e161f1-3e47-4d77-985d-a05558efc9ba
  • amount: 49.99

Customer 1 bank account balance and Customer 2 bank account will be updated:

Updated customer 1 bank account:

  • id: 1
  • account_uuid: 00643dd8-d888-4576-9839-9bef16e3cbda
  • (new) balance: 1950.00
  • overdraft: (same as above)
  • user_id: 1

Updated customer 2 bank account:

  • id: 2
  • account_uuid: d5e161f1-3e47-4d77-985d-a05558efc9ba
  • (new) balance: pre-transfer value + 49.99
  • overdraft: (same as above)
  • user_id: 2
  1. Install Node.js Dependencies (Optional): (terminal command) npm install # or yarn install

  2. Compile JavaScript and CSS assets with Laravel Mix (Optional): (terminal command) npm run dev # or yarn dev

  3. Start the Development Server: (terminal command) php artisan serve and visit http://localhost:8000


Laravel 10 event sourced banking application







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