Spline C# Implementation
- .NETCore 3.1
- Bezier Curve
- Bezier Surface
- B-Spline
- B-Spline Surface
- Nurbs Curve
- Nurbs Surface
- T-Spline
- Bezier Curve: Approximation spline (Don't pass through point)
- B-Spline: Generalization of Bezier Curve using knot vector
- NURBS Curve: Generalization of B-Spline using weights. Each control points have corresponding weight. NURBS is acronym of Non-Uniform Raional B-Spline. In this context, the "Rational" means using wieghts.
- Bezier Surface: tensor product of two Bezier curves
- B-Spline Surface: tensor product of two B-Spline curves
- NURBS Surface: tensor product of two NURBS curves