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style: format code with Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, isort, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, StandardJS, StandardRB and Yapf #148

style: format code with Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, isort, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, StandardJS, StandardRB and Yapf

style: format code with Autopep8, Black, ClangFormat, dotnet-format, Go fmt, Gofumpt, isort, PHP CS Fixer, Prettier, RuboCop, Rustfmt, Scalafmt, StandardJS, StandardRB and Yapf #148

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
# SOOS is the easy-to-integrate and affordable software security solution for your whole team.
# Learn more at
# To use this action, perform the following steps:
# 1. Create an account on SOOS offers a free 30 day trial for our SCA and DAST products.
# 2. Navigate to the "Integrate" page in the SOOS app ( Note the "API Credentials" section of this page; the keys you will need for the next step are here.
# 3. Set up your SOOS API Key and SOOS Client Id as Github Secrets named SOOS_API_KEY and SOOS_CLIENT_ID.
# 4. (Optional) If you'd like to upload SARIF results of DAST scans to GitHub, set SOOS_GITHUB_PAT with your Github Personal Access Token.
name: "SOOS DAST Scan"
branches: [ "main" ]
branches: [ "main" ]
security-events: write # for uploading code scanning alert info
actions: read # only required for a private repository by github/codeql-action/upload-sarif to get the Action run status
name: SOOS DAST Scan
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Run SOOS DAST Scan
uses: soos-io/soos-dast-github-action@3e71b27756f4ed77d7ad3c0ad92afddb47a40e4d # Use latest version from
client_id: ${{ secrets.SOOS_CLIENT_ID }}
api_key: ${{ secrets.SOOS_API_KEY }}
project_name: "<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME>"
scan_mode: "baseline"
target_url: ""
output_format: "sarif"
- name: Upload SOOS DAST SARIF Report
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
sarif_file: results.sarif