Weget is winget wrapper with support with multidownload, output paths and much more!
i need to rewrite this readme btw
To install weget, open PowerShell and run the following command:
iwr weget.krwclassic.com | iex
- fill later lol, and make this img smaller fr /
- Multithreaded download/install/upgrade?
- interactive update mode (choose on run what to update)
- repo-based updates (simillar to Clink)
to fix (installer):
- add antivirus exception? its getting ridiculus now bro
- Python (Preferably 3.11.x).
- Nuitka (and non-included packages used in
). - MSVC 2022 (Build Tools).
- Windows 10 or higher.
Make sure you exclude project folder from Microsoft Defender (Or other antiviruses)!
Run nuitka_build.bat
and wait, if failed try again or smth, if doesn't work try chatgpt 😭.