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Releases: KSP-RO/RealFuels

Real Fuels v10.2

10 Jun 00:26
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  • Allow time-based thrust curves.
  • Fix thrust curves to actually work.
  • Add more specific heat capacities for resources.
  • Fix NaN with SolverEngines.
  • basemass now defaults for being for the entire part, not just the utilized portion (i.e. utilization slider is ignored for basemass, always 100%). This will marginally increase tank masses. This can be toggled in MFSSettings.cfg.
  • Update volume and type of some spaceplane adapter tanks.
  • (Finally!) add nacelleBody and radialEngineBody.
  • Fix typo with large Xenon tank; properly patched now.
  • Support any case for 'Full' when setting amount in a TANK.
  • Fix when engine configs could sometimes be empty.
  • Fix up boiloff loss rates for KSP 1.0 heating.
  • Add some heat loss when propellant boils off (due to vaporization heat).

RealFuels v10.1

06 Jun 19:51
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  • Added specific heats for most of the resources (thanks stratochief!).
  • Revised temperature gauge for rocket engines.
  • Set tanks with cryo propellants to their boiling points during prelaunch when pumps (i.e. launch clamps) are connected, so they don't start way above BP.
  • Make life support waste resources not fillable.
  • Compatibility with Ven's Stock Revamp for the RF cloned parts


25 May 00:01
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  • KSP 1.0 support.
  • Remove thermal fin and radiator.
  • Use Community Resource Pack for our resources, don't add resources in RF.
  • Xenon tank type is removed; all of these tanks use ElectricPropulsion now.
  • Now have multiple different solid fuel resources, and thus multiple different solid fuel tank types.
  • Add module info in the editor tooltip for tanks
  • Engine info / configuration info will only display for the master ModuleEngineConfigs on the part.
  • Disable MEC event firing on configuration change (was killing FAR).
  • Updating an engine config will properly propagate to symmetry counterparts.
  • Updating the engine config of an isMaster=true module can propagate changes to isMaster=false modules on the same part (and will propagate properly across symmetry counterparts). Example: Change the main engine config and the vernier config will auto-update. Done by, for each CONFIG, adding an OtherModules {} node. Inside are key-value pairs, where key = engineID of other module and value is config to switch to.
  • Separate settings for RF engines (RFSETTINGS) and tanks (still MFSSETTINGS).
  • Remove deprecated old version of hybrid engines (the one that is essentially MultiModeEngine).
  • Speed up ModuleEngineConfigs a lot, cut the excess bits from ModuleHybridEngines.
  • Fix issue with heat multiplier
  • Rewrite floatcurve-modder to respect tangents.
  • Massively refactor engines code. RealFuels, like AJE, will use an engine solver now. The new engine module (ModuleEnginesRF) handles thrust curves, throttle speed, emission and internal engine temperature, automatically extending Isp curves to 0 Isp, etc.
  • MEC (and MHE) default to using weak typing: type = ModuleEngines means apply to ModuleEngines or anything derived from it (same for ModuleRCS etc). You can disable this feature per-module if needed.

RealFuels v9.1

24 Apr 20:52
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  • Fixed stock RCS and xenon tank volumes.
  • Don't pump into tanks if their flow has been turned off.
  • Clamp utilization slider to 1% (avoids a divide-by-zero).
  • Fix typos in Tantares tanks. Thanks komodo!
  • Unlock input when the RF GUI disappears (fixes a bug where clicking can be locked).

RealFuels v9.0

04 Apr 04:16
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  • Added notes on tank types to the notes section at the bottom of the readme.
  • Switch to taniwha's refactor of MFT (should fix a lot of bugs).
  • Refactor TechLevels, fix longstanding techlevel override bug.
  • Change so it's not ElectricCharge the resource that costs funds, but rather how much capacity you have.
  • Fixed bug where an engine that shares FX betwqeen CONFIGs could have its FX shut down.
  • Removed deprecated StretchyTanks clones.
  • Add techRequired support for resources and for tank types.
  • Add gimbal support to modular engines (TechLevel changing or CONFIG changing can change gimbal). Supports only stock gimbal for now.
  • Cost for engines increases with TechLevel.

RealFuels v8.4

25 Feb 06:19
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  • Fixed stock KSP mass calculation (for engineer's report and for pad limits).
  • Added TestFlight integration support.
  • Remove KSPI config so that RF will no longer be a bottleneck.
  • Add support for per-CONFIG effects settings (running, power, or directThrottle FX not listed in the current CONFIG but listed in other CONFIGs will be turned off).
  • aristurtle: add support for TurboNisuReloaded.
  • Maeyanie: add missing SXT LMiniAircaftTail, Tantares tanks.
  • Raptor831: add Firespitter helicopter crewtank.
  • Raptor831, Starwaster: Fix & to , for MM.
  • ImAHungryMan: add support for missing tanks in RS Capsuldyne (Taurus), Nertea's Mk IV system, RetroFuture, SXT; Convert some Mk2 and Mk3 tanks to cryogenic and add missnig Mk3 tanks.

RealFuels v8.3

20 Dec 09:29
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*Update to .90 (thanks ckfinite and taniwha)
*Don't fire editor events when we shouldn't
*Add cost info to engine change GUI
*Show engine configs that are not available due to tech (not having that node)

RealFuels v8.2

11 Dec 05:21
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*Update heat pumps (thanks Starwaster)
*Fix added parts to be MM clones
*taniwha: lots of refactoring
*regex: add lots of missing tanks (FASA, HGR, NP2, RLA, SXT)
*dreadicon: improved KSPI config
*camlost: RetroFuture tank configs
*TriggerAu: include icons for ARP in RealFuels rather than in ARP
*taniwha: correct tank cost calcs
*Raptor831: Add missing NP2, HGR tanks; Add Taurus pod/SM tanks
*lilienthal: fix Thermal Fin description
*Starman-4308: Add configs for Modular Rocket System
*Add support for the 0.625m tanks in Ven's Stock Part Revamp
*Show tank/fuel cost in GUI
*Lower Solid Fuel and ElectricCharge costs (oops)
*Fix so science sandbox is still detected as "has R&D tree"
*Add setting for unit label
*A Modular Engine will switch to the first available config if its current config is not available (due to requiring a tech tree node you don't have researched).
*Starman4308: SpaceY tank configs
*Starwaster: configs for TT's Mk2 nosecone and Nertea's MkIV system.

RF v8.2pre

24 Nov 00:42
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RF v8.2pre Pre-release

*Update heat pumps (thanks Starwaster)
*Fix added parts to be MM clones
*taniwha: lots of refactoring
*regex: add lots of missing tanks (FASA, HGR, NP2, RLA, SXT)
*dreadicon: improved KSPI config
*camlost: RetroFuture tank configs
*TriggerAu: include icons for ARP in RealFuels rather than in ARP
*taniwha: correct tank cost calcs
*Raptor831: Add missing NP2, HGR tanks; Add Taurus pod/SM tanks
*lilienthal: fix Thermal Fin description
*Starman-4308: Add configs for Modular Rocket System
*Add support for the 0.625m tanks in Ven's Stock Part Revamp
*Show tank/fuel cost in GUI
*Lower Solid Fuel and ElectricCharge costs (oops)
*Fix so science sandbox is still detected as "has R&D tree"

RealFuels v8.1

18 Oct 23:31
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*Fix my stupidity; I forgot to change some of RF's own patches to account for the new resource names.
*camlost: fix tank name for new FS.
*Fix applying changes to resource amounts more than once on TweakScale rescale.
*Change FS fuselages to calculate their own basemass.
*Fix a GUI click-locking issue.
*Remove old/broken KSPI interaction config; a new one is in the works by dreadicon and Northstar1989.