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Releases: KSP-RO/RealFuels

RealFuels v10.8

19 Nov 00:00
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  • Update for KSP 1.0.5, start to tune boiloff for new thermo.
  • Add tooltips when hovering over (locked or unlocked) engine configs in the engine GUI.
  • Support descriptions for engine configs (key 'description' in the CONFIG). They are shown on the editor tooltip and in the config tooltip in the engine GUI.

RealFuels v10.7.2

10 Nov 05:41
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  • Increased boiloff rate can be switched off by adding ferociousBoilOff = False to MFSSETTINGS (best use MM patch for that)
  • PhysicsGlobal.conductionFactor can be compensated for by adding globalConductionCompensation = true to MFSSETTINGS (use at own risk)
  • cryogenic outerInsulation improved to 0.0005 (previous value 0.01)
  • All LOX tanks now assume stainless steel tanks, except the ServiceModule.

RealFuels v10.7.1

07 Nov 19:54
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  • Fixed bug where individual tank insulation/tank values weren't loading
  • Increased heat leak flux based on part thermal mass (total) / part
    thermal mass - resource mass.
  • Tweaked ServiceModule and Default tank insulation values. (service module insulation calculated assuming Inconel/Titanium + vacuum/vapor shielded tanks.)

RealFuels v10.7.0

24 Oct 22:24
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  • Revamped boiloff code for cryogenic propellants to be compatible with KSP 1.0.x thermodynamics
    (tanks will be properly cooled by evaporation of boiled off resources)
  • For now, only LqdOxygen, LqdHydrogen, LqdMethane and LqdAmmonia use the new system. (others may be added if needed)
  • Insulation can be either for the whole tank part or per each internal tank.
  • Fix issue where TL was not being correctly reset on config change.

RealFuels v10.6.1

09 Sep 06:37
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  • Fix throttling via throttle in CONFIG (minThrust was not being set properly).
  • Work around an ignition resource issue (due to, apparently, either a float precision issue or a bug in stock KSP code).

RealFuels v10.6

27 Aug 06:14
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  • New throttling behavior. Old bugs with it were fixed, and now there is a proper delay while thrust builds up, when igniting a liquid engine. It will take about two seconds for an F-1 class engine to build up to full thrust. The rate can be tweaked, set throttleResponseRate in the ModuleEnginesRF (or in a CONFIG that's applied to one). By default when the current throttle is within 0.5% of the desired throttle, the engine clamps to the desired throttle. Further, when setting 0 throttle, the engine instantly shuts off (the latter will change, later). WORD TO THE WISE: Use launch clamps, and make sure your engines are at full thrust before disengaging the clamps!
  • Fix for sometime "says stable but fails to ignite" issue. Supreme thanks for stratochief66 for figuring out where to look!
  • Increase ullage acceleration threshold. Cryo stages will no longer keep themselves at Very Stable, but it won't take much thrust to ullage them.
  • Add tanks for the other Ethanol resources.

RealFuels v10.5.1

03 Aug 02:41
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  • Fix an issue with CONFIG entryCost being lost.

RealFuels v10.5

29 Jul 23:37
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  • Update to SolverEngines v1.9.
  • Auto-remove Interstellar Fuel Switch or FS Fuel Switch modules on parts that have RF tank modules on them too.
  • Add a new setting to disable natural diffusion when there is acceleration greater than (this threshold). Makes ullaging stages easier since only minimal acceleration is needed (it just can take a while).
  • Fix some flameout issues (and the 'flameout' sound on load with a pressure-fed engine).
  • Fix issue with a typo in ullage sim's rotation bit. Spinning axially will no longer cause ullage-outs so rapidly.
  • Attempt to load/save 'ignited' property.
  • Added other solid fuels to 'instant throttling' list.
  • Tellion: more NF Propulsion support, MkIV support.
  • Update engine/TL upgrade tracking to not keep the costs persistent (i.e. changing files no longer needs starting a new save).
  • Support maxSubtraction for entryCostSubtractors, do all subtraction(s) before all multiplications.
  • Update all heat animations on ModuleEnginesRF parts to use new animation module from SolverEngines.
  • Fix a big bug with ignition in CONFIG nodes. Now tracked properly.
  • Display pressure/ullage/ignitions info in GetInfo for ModuleEnginesRF and for MEC's alternate configs info text (if it differs from default config).

RealFuels v10.4.9

21 Jul 07:57
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  • Hotfix for the hotfix.
  • Don't load/save ullage sim data in editor.
  • NOTE: You may have to detach and reattach your engines in saved craft. Also, action groups involving engines will need to be remade.

RealFuels v10.4.8

20 Jul 00:42
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  • Hotfix for duplicated actions on engines (requires SolverEngines 1.7).