to the moon 🚀🚀
Open 📈 Home page gif, that presents apparence and core functions
- Searching bar
- You are able to filter offers by:
- Price (automatically translated into USD)
- Category
- Created at date
- or even search for a certin phrase
- You are able to filter offers by:
- Offers displaying with pagination feature
- Default up to 12 per page, but can be modified in env.ts file
- Offers with status different than DEFAULT are automatically excluded
- Offers features:
- Each offer can be followed by logged user
- Offers can be deleted by his either his owner or admin
- Clicking offers image will redirect you to certain offer subpage
- Clicking offers category label will redirect you to home page with category filter set to clicked category
Open 📈 User profile gif, that presents apparence and core functions
- User account management section
- Accessable only by profile owner or any admin
- Place from where account can be deleted or avatar can be changed
- Data charts with mode switch(bar/pie)
- Reviews about profile owner with stars summary
- Reviews about others users set setted by profile owner
- Offers list
- Profile owner and admins are able to inspect offers and be redirected to a offers management subpage
- Clicking offers image will redirect you to certain offer subpage
Open 📈 Single offer gif, that presents apparence and core functions
- Offer status management bar
- Is visible only for user authorized as either offer owner or admin
- Only admins have access to banning offer button
- Offers with status different than DEFAULT can be accessed only by admins or owners
- Gallery support keydown navigation
- "+"- will open image modal
- arrow left/right- move among images
- esc- close modal
- Recommendations at bottom
- Recommendations based on category can not include current offer or any other offer from current offer creator
Open 📈 Change offer status gif, that presents apparence and core functions
- Each offer has DEFAULT status by default
- Status is type ENUM("DEFAULT","BANNED","HIDDEN","SOLD")
- The only difference so far between HIDDEN and SOLD is label color
- There is nice place for further logic expansion, we're able to compare amount of sold, hidden, baned and active offer at different charts
- BANNED status can be setted only by admin
Open 📈 Offers management gif, that presents apparence and core functions
Open 📈 Login and Register gif, that presents apparence and core functions
Open 📈 Offers following gif, that presents apparence and core functions
still to the moon 🚀🚀