This plugin is designed to Create Form Windows with NukkitAPI. Thanks to its practical use, it allows you to create Form Windows more easily.
Import to:
import formapi.FormAPI;
Try this to create SimpleForm Window:
SimpleForm simpleForm = new SimpleForm("title");
simpleForm.setContent("My Content");
simpleForm.addButton("MyButton1"); //Normal button
simpleForm.addButton("MyButton2", ImageType.URL, "https://mywebsite/image.png"); //Url image button
simpleForm.addButton("MyButton3", ImageType.PATH, "textures/items/diamond_sword"); //Path image button
simpleForm.sendToPlayer(sender, (targetSender, targetForm, data) -> {
if(data == -1) return; //returns null if button is not selected.
String buttonText = targetForm.getResponse().getClickedButton().getText();
targetSender.sendMessage("Button id: " . data . ", text: " . buttonText)
Try this to create CustomForm Window:
List<String> list = Arrays.asList("ex1", "ex2", "ex3");
CustomForm customForm = new CustomForm("title");
customForm.addLabel("label text"); //CustomForm label
customForm.addInput("input text", "example text"); //CustomForm input
customForm.addDropdown("dropdown text", list); //CustomForm dropdown
customForm.addStepSlider("stepslider text", list); //CustomForm stepslider
customForm.addSlider("slider text", 0, 20); //CustomForm slider
customForm.addToggle("toggle text", false); //CustomForm toggle
customForm.sendToPlayer(sender, (targetSender, targetForm, args) -> {
if(args == null) return; //returns null if args is not selected.
targetSender.sendMessage("Args 0: "args.get(0));
targetSender.sendMessage("Args 1: "args.get(1));
targetSender.sendMessage("Args 2: "args.get(2));
targetSender.sendMessage("Args 3: "args.get(3));
targetSender.sendMessage("Args 4: "args.get(4));
targetSender.sendMessage("Args 5: "args.get(5));
Try this to create ModalForm Window:
ModalForm modalForm = new ModalForm("title");
modalForm.setContent("My Content");
modalForm.setTrueButton("Button True"); //Normal true button
modalForm.setFalseButton("ButtonFalse", ImageType.URL, "https://mywebsite/image.png"); //Url image false button
simpleForm.sendToPlayer(sender, (targetSender, targetForm, data) -> {
if(data == -1) return; //returns null if button is not selected.
String buttonText = targetForm.getResponse().getClickedButton().getText();
targetSender.sendMessage("Button Type: " . buttonText)