- Created a web app that provides quotes from the internet based on your mood
- It makes use of an API to scrape quotes from the internet
- The app has 110 quotes at any given time that it uses NLP to categorize
- Sorted the quotes using VaderSentiment SentimentIntensityAnalyzer, from most pleasant to most unfriendly
- Used requests to get the quotes from the API
- On a mobile device, you can swipe through the app!
- I made a web app using Flask. Try it!!! It also works well on mobile.
Python Version: 3.10.5
Packages: pandas, NumPy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, vaderSentiment, requests, nltk
For Web Framework Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
API: https://github.com/lukePeavey/quotable
Flask Productionization: https://quotes-web-app-nlp-ml-powered-7d4f6b1a0e84.herokuapp.com/
I used an API command to scrape exactly 110 quotes at a time that were no more than 262 words long:
Aim for the moon. You might hit a star if you miss. --Stone, Clement
We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough. --Helaine Keller
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. --Dr. Seuss
...and many others
Getting the quotes, transforming them, and displaying them on the web app:
Got quotes using requests
Converted them to JSON before converting them to a data frame of quotes and authors
Analyzed the quotes using the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
Arranged them according to their feelings
Developed the logic to display quotes that are lighter or darker depending on the user's swipe
Envato Elements is where I got the bottom graphics (paid)
Used the website Canva to create the banner
Handled the HTML and CSS for the quotes
Swiping was made possible through Javascript code