- 👨🎓 I'm studying Computer Science at Silesian University of Technology
- 🌱 I'm currently learning Spring framework
- 🧑🏻💻 I'm looking to join professional team, where I can develop real projects and skills
- 🏎 Fun fact: I love F1/football and enjoy playing guitar and singing
- 🎸Fun fact #2: I'm not good at playing guitar and singing 🤣
- Responsible
- Ambitious
- Team player
- Clever
- Organized
- Fast-learner
- Sport Events Manager: group project in develop for my studies with my mates. I learned a lot about architecture of simple web-apps, repository pattern and UML.
- Theater Manager: hobby project I'm developing to learn basics of Spring framework. The goal is to create an app that facilitates the sharing of roles between actors and the planning of performances.
- Sepia Filter: project processing .bmp graphics to sepia with one of 2 implementations: C++ or Assembly. I learned about vector instructions and a little bit about simple multithreading.