Create your own custom lang for the Kanishiel's werewolf game
To create your own lang,
Fork this repository
Modify (this will be explained later how)
Create a pull request
That's easy as this !
If you want you can also ask someone to create your own idea, just open an issue but consider that there's no obligation for someone to create your language.
First of all, You will have to copy the example's folder into translation, rename "example" folder with the name of your translation with the patern "[lang]-[theme]" (in full lowercase) and start creating your custom lang :
For helping you, we put the role number so you can refere to the k-lgrole <nb>
command on KaniShiel if you change the name and don't remember the original role.
The first part of the role is his name (
After this, we have the description. That can be split in multiple part (here 5) :
First part is the role camp (here Solo), second and after are the power(s) (here there is 4 line to describes the power)
Disclaimer: You can't create power, you can just change the descritpion of a power but it will leave it with the classic werewolf game power
- description_game.js
more and more complexer
The werewolf channels are made in two part : the key, that you have to never change and the name, that you're free to change to everything
In four parts : key (never change), title, description and which camp win
In six parts : key (I think you have understanded that you have to don't modify this), top of message, description in the village channel, description in his private channel, role name, message when ha go asleep
Fourth : Random Text and Event
In two parts : key and texts
The key are very obvious but if you have a doubt come ask us on discord