Netsurf billing calculator app is a non-profit productivity app focused to help retailers/vendors create bills for netsurf products.
This app is live on Play Store and has 4k+ daily active users -
- Simple but effective UX
- Display available offers using banners
- 100+ products to select from
- Provide discounts to your customers
- Generate PDF with retailer and customer details for easy sharing
- Works offline, syncs once connected to internet
- Access your saved bills and more
- Products and their prices can be updated from backend
Built with 💜 using Flutter. Supports: Android - IOS - WEB
State Management: For seamless data flow and app-wide state synchronization Provider ( Flutter Bloc ( GetX (
Firebase: For authentication, analytics, cloud fire-store, and cloud messaging functionalities
Serialization: JSON Serializable (
Dependency Injection: GetIt (
Data: Shared Preferences (
Repository: Dio ( Retrofit (
In addition, use-case specific dependencies such as firebase_core, fl_chart, synchronized, path_provider, intl, cached_network_image, url_launcher, carousel, and more. I have deliberately selected only the essential dependencies in this application to maintain a minimal app size.
Utilizing my familiarity/expertise in Android, it was easy to relate flutter concepts to their Android counterparts, making it a lot easier for me to grasp the new framework.
Paid: Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide
Free: Flutter Course – 37-hour Cross Platform App Development