AutoTax is a workflow that automatically generates de novo taxonomy from full length 16S rRNA amplicon sequence variants (FL-ASVs). This allows generation of ecosystem-specific de novo taxonomic databases based on any environmental sample(s). It does so by combining several different software tools, listed below, into a single BASH script that otherwise only requires a single FASTA file as input. For a more detailed description of AutoTax, please refer to the paper Dueholm et al, 2020.
- What the script does
- Installation and requirements
- Environment variables
- Usage
- Running AutoTax from a container (recommended)
- Unit tests
- Generating input full-length 16S sequences
- See also
- vsearch to replace usearch
Created by gh-md-toc
In brief, the script performs the following steps:
- Check user input, files and folders, and check for installed R packages, installing missing ones
Generate/identify FL-ASVs
- Orient the sequences based on the SILVA taxonomic database (usearch)
- Dereplicate the input sequences (both strands), and determine the coverage of each unique sequence (usearch)
- Denoise the dereplicated sequences using UNOISE3, with
minsize = 2
by default (usearch) - Remove all sequences that match exactly (100% identity) with other, but longer sequences (R)
- Sort the sequences based on coverage, and rename the sequences in order of occurence, in the format
, e.g.FLASV123.1410
(R) - If desired, update an existing FL-ASV database (FASTA file) by matching the generated FL-ASVs to the database, replacing identical FL-ASVs with longer sequences if any, and adding the new ones to the end of the FASTA file, renamed to continue numbering from the database (R)
Generate de novo taxonomy
- Perform a multiple sequence alignment of the FL-ASVs with both the SILVA and SILVA typestrains databases using SINA, then trim, strip gaps, format, and sort based on FL-ASV IDs (multithreading doesn't always preserve ordering) (SINA+awk+R)
- Assign taxonomy to that of the best hit in both the SILVA and SILVA typestrains databases (usearch)
- Cluster the FL-ASVs at different identity thresholds each corresponding to a taxonomic level and use the FL-ASV ID of the cluster centroids as a de novo placeholder name at each level (usearch, thresholds from Yarza et al, 2014)
- Reformat the output from the last 2 steps into 3 separate tables where each column contains the taxonomy at each taxonomic level (Kingdom->Species) of each FL-ASV (R)
- Merge the 3 tables so that the de novo taxonomy fills in where the assigned taxonomy based on SILVA and SILVA typestrains are below the taxonomic thresholds (R)
- Manually curate the taxonomy based on a replacement file if any (R)
Output the taxonomy in the following formats:
- FL-ASVs in FASTA format with usearch SINTAX formatted taxonomy in the headers (R)
- FL-ASVs in FASTA format with DADA2 formatted taxonomy in the headers (R)
- QIIME formatted table (R)
- CSV files of the individual tables mentioned earlier as well as the combined, complete taxonomy for each FL-ASV (R)
The easiest and recommended way to run AutoTax is through the official Docker container, either by using Docker (privileged, but most convenient) or Apptainer/Singularity (non-privileged), see Running AutoTax from a container (recommended). This ensures complete reproducibility, and our unit tests have only been designed for running AutoTax through the container.
Alternatively, install AutoTax natively by downloading the autotax.bash
script and then make sure the required tools are installed and available in the PATH variable:
or clone the git repository (recursively to include submodules):
git clone --recursive
cd AutoTax
- usearch (11)
- SINA (1.6 or later)
- GNU parallel (20161222-1)
- findLongSeqs, credit goes to Nick Green. The initial R implementation was extremely inefficient
- R (3.5 or later) with the following packages installed (the script will attempt to install if missing):
- Biostrings (from Bioconductor through
) - doParallel
- stringr (and stringi)
- data.table
- tidyr
- dplyr
- Biostrings (from Bioconductor through
- standard linux tools
, andcat
(already included in most Linux distributions)
AutoTax is tailored for the SILVA database, which is also required. SILVA and SILVA typestrains database files in both UDB and ARB format are needed. A zip file with all 4 files for SILVA releases 132+138 can be found on figshare here, but won't be updated in the future. Instead use the
script which will download all the required files for a chosen release version directly from, and then automagically reformat, extract typestrains, and generate UDB databases for usearch. This is perhaps also easiest through a container, see Running through a container.
Now it's important to make sure the paths to these files are set correctly. This is done by setting a few environment variables.
Before running AutoTax it's important to set a few options and filepaths to the respective database files. Inspect the autotax.bash for defaults. This is done by setting the following environment variables in the current shell (fx using export
: Path to the SILVA.arb
database filesilva_udb
: Path to the SILVA SSURef database file in.udb
: Path to the typestrains database file in.udb
: A character string which will be the prefix for de novo taxonomy, resulting in e.g.denovo_s_23
if set todenovo
: The minimum abundance of each unique input sequence. Input sequences with lower abundance than this threshold will be discarded. Passed on directly to UNOISE3 during the denoise step. Set this to1
to skip denoising, e.g. if input sequences are already pre-processed, or output from a previous autotax run etc, in which case the pipeline will fail due to 0 sequences output from this step.usearch_global_threads
: Anyusearch_global
command will be split into smaller separate jobs using GNU parallel as the multithreading implementation in usearch does not scale linearly. It's much faster to run many smaller jobs. This sets the max number of threads each parallel command will use. Increase this if you lack memory.
Make sure the script is executable with chmod +x autotax.bash
Type bash autotax.bash -h
to show available options and version:
$ bash autotax.bash -h
Pipeline for extracting Full-length 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequence Variants (FL-ASVs) from full length 16S rRNA gene DNA sequences and generating de novo taxonomy
Version: 1.7.5
-h Display this help text and exit.
-i Input FASTA file with full length DNA sequences to process (required).
-c Cluster the resulting FL-ASVs at 99% (before generating de novo taxonomy),
do chimera filtering on the clusters, and then add them on top in the same way as when using -d.
-d FASTA file with previously processed FL-ASV sequences.
FL-ASVs generated from the input sequences will then be appended to this and de novo taxonomy is rerun.
-t Maximum number of threads to use. Default is all available cores except 2.
-b Run all BATS unit tests to assure everything is working as intended (requires git).
-v Print version and exit.
Using the example data in /test/example_data/
a usage example would be:
bash autotax.bash -i test/example_data/10k_fSSUs.fa -t 20
The main output files can then be found in the output/
folder and all intermediate files along the way in temp/
The autotax.bash
script essentially consists of individual functions that can be used independently. This is what makes it possible to run unit tests on a BASH script, but it also makes it possible to source the individual functions manually from another script to create custom workflows or resuming from a previous run. Simply adding . autotax.bash
to the script won't run autotax, but will load the functions.
To run AutoTax through a docker container first install Docker Engine - Community as described there. A prebuilt image autotax
based on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 with all the required software and dependencies preinstalled (exact versions that are tested and working as intended) is provided with:
docker pull
Alternatively build the image manually from the git repo. You can also use a specific (and locked) image to ensure complete reproducibilty by using semver tags instead of just pulling the latest image every time, for instance:
The image also contains the autotax git repository itself (most recent from main branch) located at /opt/autotax/
. Now run AutoTax with the current working directory mounted inside the container at /autotax
docker run \
-it \
-v ${PWD}:/autotax \
-e denovo_prefix="midas" \ -h
Running the AutoTax docker container using Apptainer/Singularity instead is also possible (singularity 3.9 or later to be compatible with and is as simple as:
apptainer run \
--bind ${PWD}:/autotax \
--pwd /autotax \
--env denovo_prefix="midas" \
docker:// -h
Apptainer has the advantage that it doesn't require elevated privileges by default like docker does. You can find a convenience script I've made to install Apptainer here.
Setting the required Environment variables is done by using the -e
option with docker, fx -e denovo_prefix="midas" -e denoise_minsize=4
, and similarly --env
with apptainer/singularity.
Downloading the SILVA database files automagically is easiest through a container. With docker you can easily do so by just adding --entrypoint
. With apptainer/singularity you have to use exec
instead of run
$ apptainer exec --bind ${PWD}:/autotax --pwd /autotax docker:// -h
INFO: Using cached SIF image
This script downloads a desired release version of the SILVA database and makes it ready for AutoTax.
Version: 1.0
-h Display this help text and exit.
-r (required) The desired SILVA release version, fx "138.1".
-o Output folder. (Default: refdatabases/)
-t Max number of threads to use. (Default: all available except 2)
-v Print version and exit.
When running through a container all paths must relative to the working directory. Absolute paths (i.e. starts with /
) won't work as the container file system is separate from the host file system.
Furthermore, the output folders temp
and output
will likely be owned by root if you haven't done the Post-installation steps for Linux, so it's a good idea to either run docker with appropriate user ID mapping (--user
option), or adjust the ownership afterwards with fx:
sudo chown -R $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) temp/ output/
AutoTax is being unit tested by the Bash Automated Testing System. To run the tests, preferably before running with your own data, you can do so with the autotax.bash -b
argument. The test result is printed to the terminal as well as a log file test_result.log
. If you want to run through docker, you can run the tests properly with the following command:
$ docker run -it --rm --name autotax -v ${PWD}:/autotax -b
ok 1 Variable set: version
ok 2 silva_db database file
ok 3 silva_udb database file
ok 4 typestrains_udb database file
ok 5 Variable set: denovo_prefix
ok 6 Variable set: MAX_THREADS
ok 7 usearch in $PATH
ok 8 sina in $PATH
ok 9 R in $PATH
ok 10 Rscript in $PATH
ok 11 Check installed R packages
ok 12 Echo with timestamp
ok 13 Shell is BASH
ok 14 Error if temp/ folder exists
ok 15 Error if output/ folder exists
ok 16 Check input data
ok 17 Step: Orient
ok 18 Step: Dereplication
ok 19 Step: Denoise
ok 20 Step: Find longest and rename
ok 21 Step (optional): Add additional FLASVs to DB
ok 22 Step: Global alignment against SILVA
ok 23 Step: Trim and strip alignment
ok 24 Step: Sort FLASVs by ID (i.e. highest coverage)
ok 25 Step: Obtaining the taxonomy of the best hit in the SILVA database
ok 26 Step: Obtaining the taxonomy of species (>98.7% id) in the SILVA typestrains database
ok 27 Step: Cluster at species level
ok 28 Step: Cluster at genus level
ok 29 Step: Cluster at family level
ok 30 Step: Cluster at order level
ok 31 Step: Cluster at class level
ok 32 Step: Cluster at phylum level
ok 33 Step: Merge and output taxonomy
The exact docker command above is being used for testing the main branch on The latest test log of the main branch can always be seen here).
Beware that these tests are done by verifying that the output from the individual steps are identical to the output from a previous, manually verified, run, and that this is specific to the particular version of SILVA used (currently release 138.1).
AutoTax is originally made to take input sequences obtained from the method described in Karst et al, 2018. The sequences may need to be processed first using the Perl scripts in the /fSSU-pipelines
It is also possible to use full-length 16S sequences obtained from other methods such as that described in Callahan et al, 2019 based on PacBio circular consensus sequencing as long as the the error-rate is near-zero and primers are stripped.
In the future full ribosomal operon taxonomic databases may be possible using Nanopore Sequencing and Unique Molecular Tagging, see