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Miscellaneous bioinformatic helper scripts for various tasks


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Miscellaneous bioinformatic helper scripts for various tasks. I recommend only using those documented below, otherwise inspect and use at your own risk, guessing what they do. I will find time at some point to go through the rest, but for now they are just here to have a home.

Always inspect scripts before running them!

Demultiplex reads using cutadapt based on a fasta file with barcodes. Creates a subfolder for each barcode name in the fasta file and outputs all demultiplexed reads to a single file there with the same file extension as the input file. The input file must be a single file with all reads in either fastq or fasta format, gz compressed or not.

Installation and usage

$ wget
$ bash -h
Creates a subfolder for each barcode sequence in a fasta file and demultiplexes the input file using cutadapt based on the barcode file. Check the cutadapt command manually if it makes sense for your data.
version: 1.0
  -h    Display this help text and exit.
  -v    Print version and exit.
  -i    (required) Input fastq or fasta file, compressed or not.
  -o    (required) Output folder.
  -b    (required) Fasta file with barcode sequences.
  -t    Max number of max_threads to use. (Default: all available except 2)


$ bash -i fastq_pass/unclassified/allreads.fastq.gz -o fastq_pass/ -b barcodes.fa 


R script used to create a SINTAX formatted taxonomic database (FASTA file with formatted headers) for use with the usearch pipeline. The input should be two files: a FASTA file where headers only contain a single sequence ID, and a tab-separated text file with the taxonomy, where the first column contains the sequence ID's matching those in the FASTA file, and the second column the taxonomy string for each sequence ID in QIIME format. The script then reformats the taxonomy strings to match the SINTAX taxonomy annotation format, adds them to the FASTA headers and writes out. To use the script, just source it directly from GitHub in R with source(""). It will check for required packages, but will not install any. For installing Bioconductor packages use BiocManager::install().


R function to extract taxonomy from a FASTA file with SILVA formatted taxonomy, outputs a QIIME formatted taxonomy table as well as the sequences without the taxonomy string. Eukaryotes are filtered for now. To keep Eukaryotes everything in between domain+phylum should be removed and only 7 levels kingdom/domain -> species should remain. Use for example SILVA_138.1_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta from as input. To use the script, just source it directly from GitHub in R with source("")

BASH script to search for fastq files and copy to a folder for further analysis. Initially made to find Illumina MiSeq/HiSeq samples, but can be applied to anything else.

Installation and usage

$ wget
$ bash -h
Find and copy fastq files. Reports for each sample how many files were found and copied.
  -h    Display this help text and exit.
  -i    (Required) Path to file containing sample ID's to find and copy. One sample ID per line. 
          (Default: samples)
  -f    (Required) Path to folder containing fastq files (will be searched recursively). 
          (Default: /space/sequences/Illumina/)
  -o    (Required) Output folder to copy fastq files into. 
          (Default: fastq)
  -d    (flag) Don't copy the files, instead only report whether they are found or not.
  -s    Separator to append after sample name. 
          (Default: _)

Example output

$ bash
Searching for 5 sample(s) in /space/sequences/Illumina/...
Copying files into fastq
(1/5) MQ200204-1:  2 file(s) found and copied
(2/5) MQ200204-2:  2 file(s) found and copied
(3/5) MQ200204-3:  2 file(s) found and copied
(4/5) MQ200204-11:  2 file(s) found and copied
(5/5) test-123:  0 file(s) found and copied

1 sample(s) couldn't be found

Installs apptainer (currently v1.1.8 using go v1.19.3) and required system dependencies (through APT) for it to run. Also updates your $PATH in .bashrc with the apptainer binary. Only for Ubuntu and Debian based distros

Installation and usage

$ wget
$ bash -h
This script installs apptainer and required system dependencies. If an install folder path is provided with the -p option, apptainer will be installed only for the current user within a /apptainer subfolder there and the $PATH variable will be permanently updated in ~/.bashrc for the current user. Otherwise will be installed system-wide into /usr/local/apptainer.
Please provide sudo password when asked.
Version: 1.3
  -h    Display this help text and exit.
  -p    Path to folder where apptainer will be installed (/apptainer subfolder will be created). If not provided, will be installed system-wide in /usr/local/apptainer.

Builds and launches an RStudio docker container based on a specific R version of your choice. The image is based on the rocker/rstudio image with some extra nice-to-have system dependencies like libxml2-dev, libcairo2-dev, libxt-dev, and more, which are often needed by some R packages. It has built-in support for renv set up with a global package cache on the host at ${HOME}/.local/share/renv/cache (default) to avoid unnecessary repeated installation of the same packages across projects. Once the container is built, the script will search for an open port and start the container with the particular port exposed, and the current user's home directory will be mounted at /home/rstudio/. Running the script multiple times will launch multiple different RStudio instances each on its own port.

To build and start a container with for example R version 4.0.3, either download the script and run bash 4.0.3, or source the script directly from this repo with this one-liner:

curl -fsSL | bash -s 4.0.3

For the latest R version just ommit any arguments. A few additional environment variables can be set before running the script to adjust things: image_name, password, and port. Otherwise default values will be used.

Example output

$ bash 4.0.3
Sending build context to Docker daemon  3.072kB
Step 1/7 : FROM rocker/rstudio:4.0.3
4.0.3: Pulling from rocker/rstudio

... lines removed ...

Successfully built a7343a1294e2
Successfully tagged rstudio_r4.0.3:latest

Launch RStudio through a browser at one of these adresses: (this machine only)

Username: rstudio
Password: supersafepassword

As noted above, just launch RStudio through a browser at the particular address and log in with the super safe password. Enjoy your 100% reproducible and portable R session.


usearch -usearch_global does not scale linearly with the number of threads, it's orders of magnitude faster to split into smaller jobs and run in parallel using GNU parallel, then concatenate results afterwards.

Installation and usage

The script can be either run as a standalone script or sourced as a function for use in another BASH script as part of a pipeline. Currently only outputs in blast6out format, but can easily be adapted to something else.

$ wget
$ bash -h
Runs usearch11 -usearch_global in parallel by splitting the input data and process in smaller chunks. Much faster than just using more threads with one command.
  -h    Display this help text and exit.
  -v    Print version and exit.
  -i    (required) Input file name.
  -o    (required) Output file name.
  -d    (required) Database file.
  -a    Additional arguments passed on to the usearch11 -usearch_global command as one quoted string, fx: -a "-maxrejects 8 -strand plus"
  -t    Max number of max_threads to use. (Default: all available except 2)

or when sourced from another script it will be available as a function call:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

#load function

#run usearch_global in parallel
parallel_usearch_global \
  -i inputseqs.fa \
  -o test.b6 \
  -d databasefile.fa \
  -t 10 \
  -a "-id 0.99 -maxaccepts 8 -maxrejects 32 -strand plus"

#some other steps based on the search...


Miscellaneous bioinformatic helper scripts for various tasks







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