- Before installation
- Installation
- Configuration
- Debugging
- Introduction
- Features
- Quality
- Contribute
- Authors
- License
Before installation you need to have:
- A workable and globally available SharePoint Online site containing a list of questions and answers. Scheme of the list will be determined later during the process of configuration
- A workable and globally available instance of QnA Maker service
- A workable and globally available instance of SQL Azure
- First you need to create a bot with Azure Bot Service
- Use Functions Bot as a type of bot to deploy and Consumption plan as a Hosting plan
- During the deployment you need to chose the Basic template for your bot
- After the template is succefully deployed you need to set up continuous deployment using the repository as a sorce of code
- Use seqnum.name.sql scripts in migrations folder to build database scheme. The order of scripts to run is represented by sequnce number in the beginning of filename
- To compile all the resources use runResourcesCompilation.cmd script in PostDeployScripts folder
Using the Application settings section in the Application settings blade you need to set following parameters:
APP SETTING NAME | VALUE (Example) | Description |
AzureWebJobsStorage | - | Connection string to storage of the bot |
WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE | - | Full name of time zone |
AdminChannelAccountName | Admin name | - |
AdminChannelAccountId | admin@your-site-name.com | - |
AdminChannelId | - | |
AdminServiceUrl | https://email.botframework.com/ | - |
MessageFeedbackQueue | bot-queue-feedback-massages | Feedback Queue Name |
MessageSubscriptionQueue | bot-queue-subscription-massages | Subscription Queue Name |
SharePointSiteUrl | https://your-site-name.sharepoint.com/ | SharePoint Url |
SharePointUserName | bot@your-site-name.com | SharePoint Username |
SharePointUserPassword | BotPa$$W0rD | SharePoint Password |
SharePointExerciseRegularFolder | Tasks | Folder Name |
SharePointExerciseTestFolder | Tests | Folder Name |
SharePointExerciseListTitle | Exercises | List Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldID | ID | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldTitle | Title | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldSubtitle | Subtitle | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldLanguage | Language | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldTaskText | Text | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldButton1 | Button1 | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldButton2 | Button2 | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldButton3 | Button3 | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldButton1Answer | Answer1 | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldButton2Answer | Answer2 | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldButton3Answer | Answer3 | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldCorrectAnswer | Correct | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldDate | Date | Field Name |
SharePointExerciseFieldActive | Active | Field Name |
SharePointCompanyListTitle | Companies | List Name |
SharePointCompanyFieldID | ID | Field Name |
SharePointCompanyFieldTitle | Title | Field Name |
SharePointCompanyFieldCode | Code | Field Name |
SharePointCompanyFieldTenantId | TenantId | Field Name |
SharePointCompanyFieldActive | Active | Field Name |
Locale | en | Locale |
DefaultLocale | en | Default Locale |
DefaultTimezone | +3 | Default Timezone |
BotAccountName_email | Bot | Bot Name for email channel |
BotAccountId_email | bot@your-site-name.com | Bot Id for email channel |
BotAccountName_skype | Bot | Bot Name for Skype channel |
BotAccountId_skype | Skype ID | Bot Id for Skype channel |
BotAccountName_msteams | Bot | Bot Name for MS Teams channel |
BotAccountId_msteams | MS Teams ID | Bot Id for MS Teams channel |
BotAccountName_telegram | yourbotname | Bot Name for Telegram channel |
BotAccountId_telegram | yourbot | Bot Id for Telegram channel |
BotAccountName_webchat | Bot | Bot Name for WebChat channel |
BotAccountId_webchat | bot | Bot Id for WebChat channel |
BotAccountName_emulator | Bot | Bot Name for Emulator channel |
BotAccountId_emulator | bot | Bot Id for Emulator channel |
AzureWebJobsBotFrameworkDirectLineEndpoint | https://directline.botframework.com/ | DirectLine Endpoint |
AzureWebJobsBotFrameworkDirectLineSecret | - | Direct Line Secret |
TimerTriggerPingUrl | https://bot-app-name.azurewebsites.net/ | - |
QnAEndpointHostName | https://qna-service-name.azurewebsites.net/qnamaker | QnA Endpoint |
QnAAuthKey | - | QnA AuthKey |
QnASubscriptionKey | - | QnA SubscriptionKey |
QnAKnowledgebaseId | - | QnA KnowledgebaseId |
QnAScoreMinimum | 0,3 | QnA Minimum Score to show any answer |
QnAMaximumOptions | 3 | QnA Maximum Options to show |
QnAScoreMinToOneAnswer | 0,99 | QnA Minimum Score to show one answer |
Using the Connection strings section in the Application settings blade you need to set following parameters:
CONNECTION STRING NAME | VALUE (Example) | Description |
SQLConnectionString | - | Connection string to the SQLAzure database |
To learn how to debug Azure Bot Service bots, please visit https://aka.ms/bf-docs-azure-debug
What is iTrainer365?
It is an educational chat-bot for continuously improving your skills
iTrainer365 has following features:
- Task - With this command, the chat-bot will send you today's task
- Progress - With this command, the chat-bot will provide you with statistics of your educational progress for the entire period of interaction with the chat-bot
- Test - With this command, you can run an in-depth test
- Company - this command allows you to specify your company
- Question - This command is designed to communicate with an expert on Microsoft Office 365
- Settings - This command allows you to subscribe to daily tasks, and set the time at which the chat-bot will send them
Contributions to the bot are always welcome!
- Report any bugs or issues you find on the issue tracker.
- You can grab the source code at the bot's Git repository.
- Publisher Artyom Chernevsky
- Developer Denis Frolov
The code base is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.