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Before installation

Before installation you need to have:


  • First you need to create a bot with Azure Bot Service
  • Use Functions Bot as a type of bot to deploy and Consumption plan as a Hosting plan
  • During the deployment you need to chose the Basic template for your bot
  • After the template is succefully deployed you need to set up continuous deployment using the repository as a sorce of code
  • Use scripts in migrations folder to build database scheme. The order of scripts to run is represented by sequnce number in the beginning of filename
  • To compile all the resources use runResourcesCompilation.cmd script in PostDeployScripts folder


Using the Application settings section in the Application settings blade you need to set following parameters:

APP SETTING NAME VALUE (Example) Description
AzureWebJobsStorage - Connection string to storage of the bot
WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE - Full name of time zone
AdminChannelAccountName Admin name -
AdminChannelAccountId -
AdminChannelId email -
AdminServiceUrl -
MessageFeedbackQueue bot-queue-feedback-massages Feedback Queue Name
MessageSubscriptionQueue bot-queue-subscription-massages Subscription Queue Name
SharePointSiteUrl SharePoint Url
SharePointUserName SharePoint Username
SharePointUserPassword BotPa$$W0rD SharePoint Password
SharePointExerciseRegularFolder Tasks Folder Name
SharePointExerciseTestFolder Tests Folder Name
SharePointExerciseListTitle Exercises List Name
SharePointExerciseFieldID ID Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldTitle Title Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldSubtitle Subtitle Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldLanguage Language Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldTaskText Text Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldButton1 Button1 Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldButton2 Button2 Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldButton3 Button3 Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldButton1Answer Answer1 Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldButton2Answer Answer2 Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldButton3Answer Answer3 Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldCorrectAnswer Correct Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldDate Date Field Name
SharePointExerciseFieldActive Active Field Name
SharePointCompanyListTitle Companies List Name
SharePointCompanyFieldID ID Field Name
SharePointCompanyFieldTitle Title Field Name
SharePointCompanyFieldCode Code Field Name
SharePointCompanyFieldTenantId TenantId Field Name
SharePointCompanyFieldActive Active Field Name
Locale en Locale
DefaultLocale en Default Locale
DefaultTimezone +3 Default Timezone
BotAccountName_email Bot Bot Name for email channel
BotAccountId_email Bot Id for email channel
BotAccountName_skype Bot Bot Name for Skype channel
BotAccountId_skype Skype ID Bot Id for Skype channel
BotAccountName_msteams Bot Bot Name for MS Teams channel
BotAccountId_msteams MS Teams ID Bot Id for MS Teams channel
BotAccountName_telegram yourbotname Bot Name for Telegram channel
BotAccountId_telegram yourbot Bot Id for Telegram channel
BotAccountName_webchat Bot Bot Name for WebChat channel
BotAccountId_webchat bot Bot Id for WebChat channel
BotAccountName_emulator Bot Bot Name for Emulator channel
BotAccountId_emulator bot Bot Id for Emulator channel
AzureWebJobsBotFrameworkDirectLineEndpoint DirectLine Endpoint
AzureWebJobsBotFrameworkDirectLineSecret - Direct Line Secret
TimerTriggerPingUrl -
QnAEndpointHostName QnA Endpoint
QnAAuthKey - QnA AuthKey
QnASubscriptionKey - QnA SubscriptionKey
QnAKnowledgebaseId - QnA KnowledgebaseId
QnAScoreMinimum 0,3 QnA Minimum Score to show any answer
QnAMaximumOptions 3 QnA Maximum Options to show
QnAScoreMinToOneAnswer 0,99 QnA Minimum Score to show one answer

Using the Connection strings section in the Application settings blade you need to set following parameters:

SQLConnectionString - Connection string to the SQLAzure database

Debugging a C# Azure Bot Service bot in Visual Studio

To learn how to debug Azure Bot Service bots, please visit


What is iTrainer365?

It is an educational chat-bot for continuously improving your skills


iTrainer365 has following features:

  1. Task - With this command, the chat-bot will send you today's task
  2. Progress - With this command, the chat-bot will provide you with statistics of your educational progress for the entire period of interaction with the chat-bot
  3. Test - With this command, you can run an in-depth test
  4. Company - this command allows you to specify your company
  5. Question - This command is designed to communicate with an expert on Microsoft Office 365
  6. Settings - This command allows you to subscribe to daily tasks, and set the time at which the chat-bot will send them


Contributions to the bot are always welcome!



The code base is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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