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Gaetano Bonofiglio edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 30 revisions

This guide applies only on Windows 8 Pro and Windows 10 Pro, if you have a home version think about installing a virtual machine with linux or buying a Pro license for your PC. Technically Kathará can be configured to work with Docker-Machine, but it has not been tested.

  1. Install Docker from here.
    • During the installation procedure DO NOT flag "Use Windows Containers", Kathará works only with default (linux) containers.
    • NB: On Windows 8 x64 and 10 x64 this will also download and enable Hyper-V. If you later want to use another hypervisor like VMware or Virtual Box, than you will have to disable Hyper-V and restart your PC. If you later need to use Docker or Kathará again, you'll have to re-enable Hyper-V and restart. This will require that Virtualization technology is enabled in your system BIOS. For more information and an example check out this document.
  2. Install Python (2.7 or 3.x).
    • You can get it from here.
    • Make sure that Python is added to your PATH variable.
    • If you're using Python 2.7, you may also need to install the ipaddress lib (already installed in Python 3). The installer will try to do it by using pip by default if the library is not already installed. If you don't want to use pip (or if it doesn't work on your environment) feel free to do it using any other Python package manager. You can run the installer using the --nopip option (for more on this check step 6). To manually install using pip, activate your environment (or stay in the default one) and run pip install ipaddress. If the library is already found, the installer will automatically skip this part.
  3. Download all the files to a directory of your choice (from a release or git clone
  4. Add the environment variable NETKIT_HOME to your system pointing to the bin folder:
    • System > Advanced settings > Environment Variables > New > ...
      • Variable name: NETKIT_HOME, Variable value: DRIVE:\path\to\kathara\bin.
  5. You'll also need to share the drive that will contain the labs and the drive with your user folder (it can be done from Docker settings, from the tray icon), as shown here (note that you may have/need different drives).
  6. Run the installer:
    • %NETKIT_HOME%\install [optionally --p4 to pre-download the P4 image].
    • [ %NETKIT_HOME%\install --nopip will skip the installation of the ipaddress library so that you can do it manually ]
  7. You can optionally add NETKIT_HOME to your PATH, but the NETKIT_HOME variable is still required.
  8. Remember to run Docker before using Kathará.

Please note that Docker runs on Windows inside a virtual machine running Linux and managed by Hyper-V. The virtual hard drive usually takes a variable amount of space depending on the number of Docker images that you compile and can go up to about 60 GBytes. However the space occupation can be drastically reduced by removing unused Docker images with the command docker system prune and by following this procedure. This can be used every time your virtual disk space goes up because of some Docker Images you later decide to remove

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