This was build for the UL test for the ITV. The test has 3 ITV's connected together and need to be controlled in different configurations and get output on what pressure the ITV is outputting.
The code uses SPI communication to control SMC ITV's that have Ethernet/IP. It is built to run on a raspberry pi with a screen attached that you can click, either with a mouse or by touch, on so you can interface with the UI and control the ITV's that are connected.
The ITV's IP address are constants listed in The defaults are listed below.
hostname1 = "" #IP address of ITV 1
hostname2 = "" #IP address of ITV 2
hostname3 = "" #IP address of ITV 3
You can either change the ITV's IP addresses or change the code (line 6).
To run the code, run the command below in the command propt to start the program. You will need to be running python 3.8.
The package you need to have are: dpkt and pyqt5
pip install dpkt
pip install PyQt5
- ITV - The ITV's used
- PyQt5 - Create the user interface
- pyeip - Used to communicate to the ITV's
- Raspberry Pi - The code runs on
- : python code that builds the interface, generated from the .ui file
- control_ITV.ui : designed by pyqt5 designer and contorls the look
- : file to run the screen, has all functionallity coded here
- : File that
- Older versions folder:
- : first working version with tktinker
- : using qt5 now for interface
- : comments added, removed btntest function,
- : controlling the user interface with python
- : reordering of code and comments
- ITV EIP Set and : file that just has the code for communicating with ITV with ethernet
- Katherine Sandys
- Made in Summer 2020
- Created during Internship at SMC