It is a food store and delivery app using Koltin, Navigation Components, Paging3, Firestore database, Remote config, Push notifications, Rest API, MVVM Architecture.
- Kotlin for programming
- XML views for UI design
- ViewBinding, DataBinding
- Retrofit for Rest API
- Glide for Dynamic image loading
- Custom tabs for view web content in the app
- Firebase used for Database, Authentication, Push Notifications, Remote config, Storage, Crash-analytics
- Paging3 for Dynamic load data as per user needs
- Language configuration
- MVVM architecture
- Coroutines, Flow, StateFlow, Live Data
- Google Sign-in Authentication, Phone auntication
- Storage access
- Custom form for Address
- Push notification for orders
- Easy Login or Registration using google api
- Multi Language Supports
- Order food at shop and also at your place
- Filter and Search
- Today's menu section
- Order history and order status
- User Profile
- Notification of your orders
- Select foods based on review/rating
- Order's Bill in your app
- Seamless User friendly experience
Author: Kaushal Vasava.