- Your are required to use TypeScript for the task
- Use and setup the project with
Create A basic Express application, that makes a CRUD operation (create, read, update, delete) into a file database.json, document and publish your endpoints using postman.
- Your aplication should be able to perform.
Request which returns all the data in your database.json dataPOST
Request which adds data to your database.json file (Note: If there is no database.json on post, create one dynamically).PUT
Request which updates fields of a particular data using the id in database.jsonDELETE
Request which removes a particular data from your database.json using the id
- Host your application on Heroku
- Data format example:
id: 1,
author: "John Stone",
dateRegistered: 1637159465420,
age: 28,
address: "5, Wall Street, Buckingham",
books: [
id: "book1"
name: "Tomorrow is coming",
isPublished: true,
datePublished: 1637159508581,
serialNumber: 0010
id: "book2"
name: "October's very own",
isPublished: false,
datePublished: null,
serialNumber: null
- Make sure you write test to cover your application using supertest
- Test for a GET request
- Test for a POST request
- Test for a PUT request
- Test for a DELETE request
- Test to return proper HTTP status codes
- Implement a frontend for your api.
- Your frontend should have a page that displays all authors in your database with a button to add author, button to delete an author from the database, button to edit author
- A page for a single author showing the books of that author with a button to add books for that author, button to delete a book