Application used for moving paths extracted from SVGs into 0,0 position (top-left corner of sprite to be at 0,0). It now serves for single purpose and screnario - it is quite limited at the moment.
It now also only parses M
(move absoulute), L
(Line) and V
(Vertical line) commands inside of d
attribute of path
It expects file path with content (or content directly) that is of following structure:
<path d="VALUE_FOR_PROCESSING" ...other unharmed attrs />
<path d="VALUE_FOR_PROCESSING" ...other unharmed attrs />
<!-- other unharmed elements -->
To process svg file and get result to STDOUT
mix run svg_path_offset_remover.ex input.svg
To process svg file and save result to file
mix run svg_path_offset_remover.ex --save-path output.svg input.svg
To process svg text and save result to file
mix run svg_path_offset_remover.ex --save-path output.svg --content "<svg><path\ d=\"...\"\ /></svg>"