Create React App (create-react-app)
Configure Tailwind css into our app
Built Header
Created Sign In Form
SignIn-SignUp toggle
Form Validation (useRef Hook)
Google Firebase (for backend)
- Firebase Setup
- Deploying our app to production
User Authentication
Pushing user object into our Redux store
- Installing @reduxjs-toolkit and react-redux libraries
- create our appStore
- create userSlice
- add userSlice to appStore
- provide appStore to our app
- update userSlice with user info
- onAuthStateChanged
- useNavigate() Hook
signOut button
Update user profile
- display photo URL in the Heaeder once signedIn
BugFix: If user is not logged In, redirect /browser to login page and viceversa
Unsubscribing onAuthStatusUpdated on UnMounting
constants file in utils
Register TMDB API & create an app to get Access Token
Get data from TMDB now playing movies list API
Add movie data to our Redux store
Create custom Hook to do the same (useNowPlayingMovies)
- Fetch data from TMDB API
- Update Store with the data
Browse (planning)
- MainBrowseContainer
- VideoTitle
- Video background
- SecondaryBrowseContainer
- Movie suggestion * n
- Movie cards * n
- Movie suggestion * n
- MainBrowseContainer
Video background
- videos API from TMDB
- getting trailer video & displaying on the website
- Custom Hook (useMovieTrailer)
- fetching trailer video
- updating store with trailer video data
Embed the youtube video and make it autoplay and mute
Tailwind calsses to make MainBrowseContainer look awesome
- MovieList
- MovieCards
- TMDB apis to get popular, top rated and upcoming movies
- created custom hooks to get the movie data and update to the our store
- MovieList
GPT Page
- Gpt Search bar
- Gpt movie recommondations (based on search)
Multi-language FEATURE in our app
Integrated Open AI
- Get open ai api key
- GPT search api call
Integrated GEMINI AI
- Got API key form Google AI Studio
- Installed @google/generative-ai
- Initialized the gemini ai model
- Generated movie suggestions based on user input by promting the ai
fetched gpt suggested movies from TMDB
created gptSlice
- added movie data
- movie names
- movie details
- added movie data
reused MovieList component to show movie suggestions
Made our app responsive
Deployed it onto netlify
Displaying movie trailer on click of movie card
- Login-SignUp page
- SignIn/SignUp form
- Redirect to browse page
- Browse (after authentication)
- Header
- Main movie
- Trailer in the background
- Movie Title & Description
- Movie suggestions
- Movie list (of diff categories)(Scroll horizontally)
- NetflixGPT
- Search bar
- Movie suggestions(Based on search input)