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  • Create React App (create-react-app)

  • Configure Tailwind css into our app

  • Routing

  • Built Header

  • Created Sign In Form

  • SignIn-SignUp toggle

  • Form Validation (useRef Hook)

  • Google Firebase (for backend)

    • Firebase Setup
    • Deploying our app to production
  • User Authentication

  • Pushing user object into our Redux store

    • Installing @reduxjs-toolkit and react-redux libraries
    • create our appStore
    • create userSlice
    • add userSlice to appStore
    • provide appStore to our app
    • update userSlice with user info
      • onAuthStateChanged
      • useNavigate() Hook
  • signOut button

  • Update user profile

    • display photo URL in the Heaeder once signedIn
  • BugFix: If user is not logged In, redirect /browser to login page and viceversa

  • Unsubscribing onAuthStatusUpdated on UnMounting

  • constants file in utils

  • Register TMDB API & create an app to get Access Token

  • Get data from TMDB now playing movies list API

  • Add movie data to our Redux store

  • Create custom Hook to do the same (useNowPlayingMovies)

    • Fetch data from TMDB API
    • Update Store with the data
  • Browse (planning)

    • MainBrowseContainer
      • VideoTitle
      • Video background
    • SecondaryBrowseContainer
      • Movie suggestion * n
        • Movie cards * n
  • Video background

    • videos API from TMDB
    • getting trailer video & displaying on the website
    • Custom Hook (useMovieTrailer)
      • fetching trailer video
      • updating store with trailer video data
  • Embed the youtube video and make it autoplay and mute

  • Tailwind calsses to make MainBrowseContainer look awesome

  • SecondryBrowseContainer

    • MovieList
      • MovieCards
    • TMDB apis to get popular, top rated and upcoming movies
    • created custom hooks to get the movie data and update to the our store
  • GPT Page

    • Gpt Search bar
    • Gpt movie recommondations (based on search)
  • Multi-language FEATURE in our app

  • Integrated Open AI

    • Get open ai api key
    • GPT search api call
  • Integrated GEMINI AI

    • Got API key form Google AI Studio
    • Installed @google/generative-ai
    • Initialized the gemini ai model
    • Generated movie suggestions based on user input by promting the ai
  • fetched gpt suggested movies from TMDB

  • created gptSlice

    • added movie data
      • movie names
      • movie details
  • reused MovieList component to show movie suggestions

  • Memoization

  • Made our app responsive

  • Deployed it onto netlify

  • Displaying movie trailer on click of movie card

Features of our netflix-gpt

  • Login-SignUp page
    • SignIn/SignUp form
    • Redirect to browse page
  • Browse (after authentication)
    • Header
    • Main movie
      • Trailer in the background
      • Movie Title & Description
      • Movie suggestions
        • Movie list (of diff categories)(Scroll horizontally)
  • NetflixGPT
    • Search bar
    • Movie suggestions(Based on search input)