Simple class to help setting page titles, breadcrumbs and other misc elements that don't need a view file to be created.
- Add Page_builder.php to the libraries folder
- Add the view_helper.php to the helpers folder (This has various helper functions for outputing bootstrap html, needed for buttons in page_builder)
- Autoload or load from somewhere else
- Add output tags to your views
- SetXX and AddXX form controllers
## Breadcrumbs
->addCrumb('Home', '/')
->addCrumb('Events', 'events')
->addCrumb('Event Detail');
echo $this->page_builder->outputCrumbs();
## Page Title
echo $this->page_builder->outputTitle();
## Buttons
$this->page_builder->addButton('form_url', 'Add New');
echo $this->page_builder->outputButtons();
All the methods can be chained together, like so:
->setTitle('About Us')
->addCrumb('Home', '/')
->addCrumb('About Us')
->addButton('print_form', 'Print this Page');