LuxuryAER is a microservice based application for booking flights.
- Discovery Service
- Authentication Service
- Listing Service
- Ticket Reservation Service
- Payment Service
- Notify Service
- Front-end Service
- Rabbit-MQ Service
- To distribute incoming network traffic across multiple instances of a service to ensure no single instance is overwhelmed with too much traffic.
- Uses round robin fashion.
- The discovery service runs on port 5000 and allows all the services to register the port they are using.
- This service helps us know where each instance is located.
- It acts as a registry in which the addresses of all instances are tracked.
- It serves the front end/ UI.
- Has sign-up and login routes.
- Sign-up adds the username(email) and password to the users database.
- Login checks if the entered credentials match with that in database.
- Has add-flight and get-bookings routes.
- Using add-flight, we can add data to flights database and using get-bookings we can list the flights based on the search filter.
- The Booking front-end interacts with this mcroservice’s get-bookings to show the available flights.
- Has a make-reservation route.
- Checks if there are seats available in the flight requested by the user.
- Deducts the number of seats available from flights database and inserts a record into the booking database.
- Has a make_payment route.
- Receives request from the reservation microservice with details of the booking, inserts a record into payment database if it was a success.
- Sends the payment completion/ confirmation message to the RabbitMQ’s payment_queue.
- Listens to payment_queue and displays messages as user notifications.
- Distributes notifications (e.g., payment status) using round-robin load balancing.
- Ensures reliable message delivery through the Notify Service.
- Facilitates direct user interaction with the system, enabling access to modules such as booking, reservation, and authentication.
- Designed with minimal dependency on other services to enhance user experience and system efficiency.
git clone
docker-compose up --build
docker exec -it mongodb1 mongosh --port 27017
rs.initiate({ _id: "rs0", members: [ { _id: 0, host: "mongo1:27017" }, { _id: 1, host: "mongo2:27017" }] });
Note: This project contains 2 replicas, but you can always add more.
Once all the services start, the database will be empty, to populate this database with sample data, we can do the following.
docker cp "./sample data/db.dump" mongodb1:/data/db.dump
docker-compose exec -it mongodb1 sh -c "mongorestore --archive < /data/db.dump"
Fig: Discovery service and round robin load balancing
Fig: Authenticates the credentials of the users. (Successful) Fig: Authenticates the credentials of the users. (Unsuccessful)
Fig: Listing page Fig: List of flights available based on the filters
Fig: Booking database Fig: Payments database
Fig: Once the payment is successful, using RabbitMQ, message is pushed and pulled by notify service. Fig: RabbitMQ.
Fig: Deployed on EC2 instance Fig: Docker running on EC2 instance