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MAC Changer V2 is a Python script designed to easily change the MAC address of network interfaces on both Windows 🪟 and Linux 🐧 systems. This tool is useful for enhancing network security, testing, and maintaining privacy by allowing users to modify the hardware address of their network devices.
Click the link to read Instructions 📄.
Follow these instructions to get MAC Changer V2 running on your local machine for development
, testing purposes
, or daily use
If you don’t have Python installed, here are a few options:
Ensure you have Python installed on your system. This script is compatible with Python 3.11.6 and above. You can download Python from Python 3.11.6.
Make sure to run CMD.exe or Terminal in Administrator mode to change the MAC address.
Clone this repository to get started with MAC Changer V2:
- make sure to make a folder on
it inCMD.exe
then do theGit Clone
git clone https://github.com/kernferm/mac-changerV2.git
cd mac-changerV2
- No additional dependencies are required to run this script as it utilizes standard Python libraries.
To run the MAC Changer V2, execute the following command in the terminal:
- best to run in
cd path_to_script
python main.py
- Follow the on-screen prompts to select your network interface and enter a new MAC address 🔄.
- To run the automated tests for this system, use the following command. If you have specific tests for different environments, provide examples here.
python -m unittest discover tests
This script can be run locally on any machine with Python installed
and with appropriate administrative privileges
to modify network settings 🛠️.
- Python 3.11.6 🐍
- This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the License Agreement file for details 📄.
This is for educational purposes only.
I am not responsible if anything happens to you or your computer.
Nor am I responsible if your ISP comes after you, that's on you.
Adhere to the disclaimer notice that you just read 📜.