Releases: KevinOnFrontEnd/Tibby
Nuget Version 0.0.6
This version contains changes to the Tibby client so that an Ilogger is injected into tibbyclient so that requests & responses can be logged using whatever logging mechanism is chosen for your project. Messages are logged as information
Secondly, a few tests have been added the test project so that it explicitly tests for properties on the api calls to tibetswap, if they do not exist in the response, or contain extra properties then the tests will fail. This will make it easier to identify when tibetswap api changes and is out of sync will the models that Tibby has.
Version 0.0.5
This is a maintenance version that adds some helper functions to help calculate the fees that tibetswap adds onto the swap - currently 0.7% Liquidity Fee & 0.3% as Dev Fee.
- Include helper methods to help calculating fees to be posted to tibetswap /offer/{offerId} endpoint.
- Bumped Version and corrected typo in Nuget Readme description.
Nuget Version
This Release contains
- a http client that interacts with the V2 TibetSwap Api defined at
- An extension method method to add Tibby using Dependency Injection (AddTibbyClient)
Nuget Package Version
- 0.0.3