MovieFind is a project I created with the intention to make finding movies on streaming services much easier. In the age of streaming services, people have multiple streaming subscriptions. MovieFind allows users to search movies/tv-shows and have links to the appropiate streaming service.
Written in Python (Flask) and JavaScript (React)
- clone the project
git clone
- install Python 3.10.5 or higher
- install pip
- install node
- go to watchmode and create an account to get your own api key
- create a .env file in the backend directory. (Moviefind/backend/.env)
- copy and paste your api key in the .env file (YOUR_API_KEY="the api key associated with your account")
- install pipenv
pip install pipenv
- go to the backend folder
cd backend
- create virtual enviroment and install needed packages
pipenv shell
pipenv install
- run backend
- go to client folder
cd ../client
- install needed packages
npm install
- run React app
npm start
Implement user profiles where users can save films with an up to-date list of providing streaming services maybe