- The source code and data of the paper "GSTA: gated spatial–temporal attention approach for travel time prediction"
- A sample of 81K trips is provided for each of the NYC and Chengdu Taxi datasets in folders (NYC Data, Chengdu Data).
- The data samples are already pre-processed (Data Cleaning, Feature Engineering,... etc) and randomly split into train (X_train, Y_train), validation (X_val, Y_val), and test (X_test, Y_test).
- The implementation of the prediction model for each dataset is given in a separate jupyter notebook (GSTA on NYC.ipynb, and GSTA on Chengdu.ipynb).
Each data sample is a CSV file. The key contains:
- Location Features: 'pickup_longitude', 'pickup_latitude', 'dropoff_longitude', 'dropoff_latitude', 'center_latitude', 'center_longitude', 'dropoff_pca0', 'dropoff_pca1', 'pickup_pca0', 'pickup_pca1'
- Cluster Features: 'pickup_cluster', 'dropoff_cluster', 'pickup_counts_on_clusterid', 'dropoff_counts_on_clusterid'
- Geo-hash Features: 'pickup_geohash', 'dropoff_geohash'
- Date/Time Features: 'DayofMonth_sin', 'DayofMonth_cos', 'Hour_sin', 'Hour_cos', 'dayofweek_sin', 'dayofweek_cos', 'Weekend_day', 'Work_day'
- Weather Features: 'tempm', 'dewptm', 'hum', 'rain', 'snow', 'wdird', 'vism', 'fog', 'thunder', 'tornado', 'conds_Clear', 'conds_Haze', 'conds_Heavy Rain', 'conds_Heavy Snow', 'conds_Light Rain', 'conds_Light Snow'
- Distance: 'distance_haversine', 'distance_dummy_manhattan'
- Direction: 'direction'
- Speed: 'avg_speed_KMperHour'
- Public Holiday: 'Public_Holiday'
- Peak period: 'Peak_Hour'
- Travel Time: 'trip_duration'
(These parameteres are tuned with whole dataset, you can change them manually)
The default parameters are:
- optimizer=Adam(lr=0.001).
- loss='mean_absolute_error'
- metrics=['mae','mape']
- Dropout=0.2
- epochs = 50
- batch_size = 256
- kernel_regularizer=l2(0.001)
- Activation('elu')
- BatchNormalization(epsilon=1e-06, momentum=0.98)
- kernel_initializer="he_uniform"
- num_heads = 4 , which is the number of heads in Multi-Head attention.
The best model for each data during training phase is saved to folder "Models" as hdf5 file.
Keras 2.4.3, Tensorflow 2.3.0, Bokeh 2.2.1, Numpy 1.19.3, Pandas 1.1.5, Sklearn.
If you use our paper in a scientific publication, we would appreciate using the following citations:
author = {Khaled, Alkilane and Elsir, Alfateh M Tag and Shen, Yanming},
doi = {10.1007/s00521-021-06560-z},
issn = {1433-3058},
journal = {Neural Computing and Applications},
title = {{GSTA: gated spatial–temporal attention approach for travel time prediction}},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06560-z},
year = {2021}