Automation Testing An Ecommerce Website Using Java Programming Language , Selenium Framework And TestNG Assertion In this project im testing the main functions of an ECommerce Demo Website called SauceDemo .
To get started with this project: A-Clone this repository to your local machine. B-Install all necessary dependencies (e.g., Java JDK). C-Open the project in your preferred IDE. D-Execute the test cases using the TestNG Class to generate an Allure Report.
The Used Tools & Frameworks 1-Selenium. 2-TestNG. 3-DataDriven (From an excel file). 4-ShaftEngine. 5-Page Object Model Design Pattern (POM). 6-OOP Concepts.
The Executed Test Cases Are Generated in order as Follows: 1-open the browser and go to the website "" 2-Trying to login with a locked out user 3-Successful Login using a valid username and password 4-Add a number of items to the shopping cart 5-Complete the order 6-Logout 7-Close the browser