I got an ispiration for this project from Nonogram.com ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.easybrain.nonogram&hl=ru&gl=US ). I thought it's an interesting task to implement and gain some practical skills. The idea is the same with some minor corrections. I plan to add ? sign in addition to square and x signs to mark cells, which require further investigation. Due to attempt in adaptivity I plan to add a switch to replace right mouse button click for mobile devices.]
What's more planned for implementation:
- Add check if a cell of a game field has already been visited not to process it several times (done 17.02);
- Switch for different types of clicks and add it into cell check procession (done 17.02);
- Add processing of incorrect clicks;
- Add reading level information from a .json file instead of hardcoding;
- Add "levels" wiget to be able to switch between levels;
- Think about level information transmition and reading: should component "Field" process it? Consider vuex for data exchange;
- Validate information about level in component "Field";
- Add a modal window for victory indication.
I will update this readme when these features are implemented.