YOUTUBE_LITE is a powerful and user-friendly web application that emulates some of the key features and functionalities of the popular video-sharing platform, Youtube . It includes basic features like video search , video playback and displaying a myriad of videos sorted by different categories.This project was implemented using various technologies / Libraries like React , Material-UI and Youtube-V3 API.
- User friendly interface for better user experience.
- Accessible through all kinds of devices (Tablets , desktop , phones etc).
- Enables users to search for specefic videos based on keywords, tags etc.
- Allows users to watch videos including features like play, pause and seek.
- Video playback page displays the video details including a set of related videos to watch
- Channel pages come with channel details and also a set of videos uploaded by them for the users to watch.
- Homepage sorts the videos in different categories including recommended videos , comedy , tutorials etc.
Client: React, Material-UI
Third Party Services: Youtube-v3 API , Vite.js , Rapid API
Video walkthrough on how to navigate and explore various features of this web app
Clone the project
$ git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Youtube_Lite
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Create a config.js file in utils folder to hold your Rapid API key which will be used to fetch the videos using Youtube-V3 API. ( Credits to @TeleViaBox for pointing this out to me )
- Hosting Services : netlify
- Youtube-V3 API DRL : 500
- Max Results : 50 videos per API call ( Hard Limit )